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Any chance of getting into Pre-med?


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I'm a third-semester CEGEP student, and I have a CRC of 33.8


If I do well this semester, I might be able to raise it up to a 34.5


In which case, I was wondering if I have any chace of getting into pre-med at Mcgill?


I never intended on applying thinking I wouln't get in, but if I can save two years, why not?


Anyway, with your experiences, do you think I would have a chance??


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I got accepted by McGill last may. I had a CRC of 36,3. But, I know some people who had higher than me and did not make it and some people with a lowest CRC than me and got in. It depends on many factors. But, a good biographical letter is certainly a good start. Start writing it way before the deadline and review it as many times as you can. Let some people who knoe you also read it to correct it. If you make a good letter, that's gonna help you for the interview because they are gonna ask you questions about you letter. So be honest and start early and you never know what can happen! You also have to apply to Laval, Montreal and Sherbrooke even if your first choice is McGill....



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I guess youre right


they do consider many different factors, and by applying I dont have anything to lose really. And I have no problem with doing a bachelor first.. I'm still debating between Biochem or Immunology...


But, Ill do my best this semester and definetly follow your advice about the letter.


Thanks for replying!

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Hey I know that at least 3 people got in last year to McGill with a CRC around 34 (one of them for sure lower) so don't give up. Also it's been proven that French cegeps have an advantage with the CRC and the average that McGill Med posts doesn't take that into account. So if you're from an English cegep your 34.5 is better than you think! Of course a 36 is much more comfortable but with a well written letter you can put yourself at the same level.

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Hey mchn2007, thank you for the input. But after speaking to some of my poeple who are in med school (some who went directly from college, and others who got a degree first) as well as with some counselors and what not, I've decided that for me and for the type of person I am, I'd be better off doing a bachelor first, and then applying to med school with an impressive CV of extracurrics and higher grades.


but now, I'm torn between Immunology or Biochem...


I'm thinking Immunoloy... but who know

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well, I never considered going into premed before maybe this week... so my volunteer work and so forth arent really where they should be. furthermore, im the type of person that needs ajustement time in a new environment.. ive been that way since kindergarden. so I think that doing a bachelor first is what is right for me. that way, when I do apply, I'll be fully prepared ( with extra currics and GOOD reference letters) in such a way as to be 100% sure of being accepted.

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Hey lagwagon

If you're 100% set on studying medicine then I wouldn't do immunology as it's considered the hardest bach. But it also keeps more options open compared to the other bachs so really it depends on how determined you are on medicine. My sister did her bach in immunology and is in medicine now and that's what she told me.

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Hey lagwagon

If you're 100% set on studying medicine then I wouldn't do immunology as it's considered the hardest bach. But it also keeps more options open compared to the other bachs so really it depends on how determined you are on medicine. My sister did her bach in immunology and is in medicine now and that's what she told me.



If Immunolgy isn't a good subject area for an individual planning to apply to medicine, what is??

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Immunology is a good subject for those planning on going into medicine but physiology or anatomy and cell biology are better choices in my opinion and from what I've heard. You'll most likely be able to maintain a higher GPA as those bachs are considered easier than immunology.

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Hey mchn2007,


thanks for replying.

And I also heard that Immunology is a little more difficult than the other BSc.... but I'm going to look at the courses Id have to take in Biochem and in Immunology, and go with the one that seems the most interesting. I'll also go to the open house in january, and I'll be sure to ask around.


Thanks, have a good weekend!

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