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Guest linkinpark

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Guest cloversista

linkinpark...isn't part of the purpose of this site to offer knowledge, advice and expertise to those who ask? I'm not sure with regards to others who have previously asked a similar question (which you yourself have responded to), but I can assure you that I'm not "depressed" and do not require counselling over this matter...it was simply a question. Besides, if you're so "sick of all these people" then simply ignore the post.

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Guest Elaine I



I'm glad people are asking the questions. I wish I had during my struggles eight years ago. Had I had access to a board such as this one, I might not have made some of the mistakes I did. If my story helps out even one person, it gives value to some of the stuggles that I've lived through. Therefore, to all of those people who are struggling, please feel free to ask for advice!!



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Guest purplefairy13

Linkinpark: I am curious as to what undergrad degree you are working towards, how much effort you put into the MCAT, how many hours it took you to complete your applications, and how much money you had to spend travelling to your interviews, then how you spent the time waiting to hear from schools. People post on this board for support and advice during these stressful and life-determining experiences. So, if you do not have anything supportive to add, perhaps you should refrain from posting critical, holier-than-thou comments.

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Guest Jochi1543

That's mean. Some people have nowhere else to find information or receive encouragement. The titles of the threads are detailed enough for you to know what they are gonna be about. Don't like it - don't read it. Big deal.|I

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Guest doctorped

Hi, Linkinpark,

Are you studying in order to become a doctor? Is that what you're going to tell your patients when they come in for their visit or tell you they're feeling down? "Go on, get outta here, buddy... you need some counselling... next!" Is that your referral? ;-)

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Guest FungManX

Show some compassion man, this board is meant to help guide people to achieve their life dreams.


I question why you are on this board and why you want to be a doctor. If you can't show respect to your peers how can you be expected to show respect to your patients?


I also realize this is not the first rude post you've made either, either say something encouraging and/or useful or don't say it at all. This isn't any other offtopic kind of board, keep the junk in those places.

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Guest rabbit



A doctor I know once described empathy towards patients in the following manner. If you have universal respect and compassion for people, you will have respect and compassion for patients. Patients are people after all. These are innate qualities and not ones which are "switched on" when deemed appropriate.


I wonder, frankly, what purpose it serves you to mock others on this web posting. Perhaps this is something you should be asking yourself.

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Guest purplefairy13

How can you expect to be a genuinely kind, compassionate doctor towards your patients when you do not act as such towards your peers? Not to be rude, but if you feel so insecure that you need to put down others who just want some support, perhaps it is you who requires "counselling"

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Guest Gem2005



I laughed at you response "doctor's should counsel patients, not premeds". I mean if you have a preconceived idea of discussion and support only applying to patients (people who are just in a more vulnerable position), then not only you have a superiority complexe but also, we are not the ones who are IGNORANT.


Please take a look in the miror!


To everyone else, this site is superb and the more inspirational stories and supportive people, the better. After all, no matter who we are and where we are in our path to our dreams, we are all humans with different jouney's , but all inspirational and at the end of the road I truly believe that it is our hard work, genuine desire that will lead to success.

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Guest UWOMED2005

If you don't like somebody's post, just ignore it.


That's directed both to Linkinpark and everyone responding to him.


These anonymous message boards are a great tool, but there is a lot of potential for abuse. Since everybody is anonymous, it means people are often less accountable for what they say. . . and sometimes say stupid stuff. Heck, I'm sure some of the people posting some of the junk I've read are just doing it for kicks (makes me think they need something more entertaining to do in their real life. . .) and who knows - might not even be interested in med school at all!


You gotta take EVERY post here with a grain of salt. And ignore the morons.


(Note - if we all stop replying to this post, it will eventually drift down to page 24. . . where it belongs!!)

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Guest Gordo58


Im in med school... and its great, but in the end im gonna have a job that is just as important as the carpenter who builds my house, or the pharmacist who gives me medication. Getting in, if you really want this, should be a priortity, but not be your life, so stop worrying about it... if its meant to be, its meant to be. If not, suck it up and try again!

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Guest coastalslacker

I agree, too much whining. Some of it isn't whining, it's just people looking for someone else to pat them on the back and say that "Yes, your 3.9gpa, strong MCAT and dazzling extracurriculars will get you in, you ARE a good person!". This board is a tremendous resource. Because I didn't know anyone else who wanted to go into medicine before I applied (or anyone in medicine really), I've learnt a tonne on here. However, alot of the posts are absolutely ridiculous and, as was previously suggested, I simply choose not to read them.


I wouldn't have replied to this if a bunch of people hadn't registered knee-jerk accusations of "lack of compassion" at the original poster. Yeah, he's trying to piss people off, but he has a point.

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Guest theclevername

I'll take both sides...There have been a tremendous amount of people wanting to hear the words "You can get in" lately. People know the cut-offs and stats of people who get in...so they should know their odds without all the fuss. However, if having people say to them positive things gives them hope, then let them have it...i've personally just stop reading them. Anyone can get into medicine eventually if they have the requirements...people just need some CONFIDENCE...something they should have in themselves if they want to be a good doctor anyway.

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Guest purplefairy13

I agree...sometimes people just need a pat on the back and some re-assurance (even if they are a 4.0 student with a Ph.D in Medical genetics, a 45T MCAT, who volunteered with the WHO every summer since they were 16....um, right....;) )

I think they actually like people who are human in medicine...how else do you relate to patients??


Good Luck to everyone...you all rock!

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Guest sparkle2005

While LP was being somewhat harsh, those posts bother me too, but for a different reason. These boards have SO many stories, which, as everyone has said, can be a wonderful resource. The problem I see, is that people keep posting the "do I have a chance" type of post, without it seems, looking through the old posts to see if they can find the answer to their question. Applying and getting into medicine takes time, effort, and a lot of dedication. When questions are being asked which would only take looking on the OMSAS website, it seems that the person is not taking the time to look for the information him/herself. I know I spent hours looking through each university's websites to find out about them and their cutoffs. I think this is important, and part of the process of being independant, and working for what you want. So, I beleive there are two issues with some of the posts on here. 1) they are often repeated over, and over, and over, and it seems that people are kind enough to continue to reply, but the information would be better complied if we just kept adding to old threads that already explained good points (for example, the "which is the best university for undergrad to get into meds") and 2) people need to do some research for themselves. Most GPA questions can be answer by finding out the cutoffs for the different schools.

I definitely see value in this board, for sharing opinions, and ideas, but for factual things, it seems the individual should look to the source, and by doing so avoid the possible misunderstandings and misinformation that can be given.

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Guest tim23

linkinpark raises a point about a larger issue here. Premeds are arguably the most annoying overly keen bunch of people in any undergraduate univeristy that i've been to-just ask any of the professors. While there are exceptional circumstances, collectively I think this issue needs to be addressed rather then encouraged. I started posting on this forum because I've invested a great deal of time and money in the admissions process and want to make sure I make the best decision for me of where I go to school, if you need the internet for emotional encouragement...well I'm not even going to go there. LP didn't single anyone out so I see absolutely nothing wrong with his post, you should be able to post your mind about something without being immediatly challenged about what kind of doctor your going to be, there's more to our lives then being a doctor.


But this bring me to the point of why I've added to this little thread, what is it about this profession that drags in so many keeners?? I think the majority of them get 'weeded out' in the selection process, but still i don't get it. Sure its a good job, but it is still just a job, with pros and cons like any other.


just my 2 cents

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Guest wattyjl

every job has its keeners. limited acceptances, a high number of applicants, and the (withering?) public perception that being a physician means you are very important makes applying to medicine different than other academic professions that i know of. sure getting into waterloo CS from highschool is crazy hard but does the public, en masse, acknowledge you? sure, it's probably harder to get into vet school, but do almost 10K people a year apply to canadian vet schools? that number of people is bound to have a presence. the extreme competetion combined with the high desirability (?) of medicine drives a small number of people in this population to become the stereotypical PMK.


a friend of mine does consulting for mckinsey, evidently the biggest consulting firm in the world. it's very difficult to get a job with them - she had a full scholarship to mac for EE and finished a master's in engineering at stanford on full scholarship. she told me the same thing: meeting the other interviewee's, they were hardcore keeners obsessing about whether they'd get the position and what would happen to them if they didn't. so it goes... it's just that premed keeners are more visible and concentrated (typically undergrad bio/med sci programs i guess).


more to the point, i don't think insulting people is particularly helpful, and while personally these types of posts don't evoke a lot of empathy from me who am i to tell others what to think and feel? yea i think it's crazy the way some people seem to directly tie their sanity/happiness to medical school admissions (or even worse, undergrad marks leading up to admission), but, i'm crazy in a lot of ways too. like others have said, if we don't like the post then we don't read it and forget about it - no skin off anybody's back that way is it?


ugh...i can't believe i gave in and fed LK... :P

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Guest leviathan

Ohh man, linkin, if I could only print your thread out and give it to every med school you apply to...do you think they would consider you for enrollment with that kind of attitude towards other people?

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Guest uteng



Is that statement really necessary? Now it's an attack on LP, kinda like what you're criticising him for. Funny how that worked out. :) LP is entitled to his opinion


As someone with a lower MCAT score, low GPA, and not much research, I can share in some of LP's sentiments - it's disheartening to hear people's woes who have ridiculously better chances of getting into med school than I do. But those people, earned their stripes, and are entitled to seek opinions too.


I've heard a couple off-the-wall reasons why people apply to med school: they didn't know what else to do, it seemed to be the hardest program to get into ...


They happen more often than you think for competitive programs. The most difficult program to get into was a common reason for Comp Eng at Waterloo. Seems competition is drilled into students early on, and some compete just to compete. To pull a line from Men In Black. Why are you here? To see who's the best of the best of the best sir!

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