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Guest linkinpark

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Guest theclevername

HA....go to the u of t bookstore.....and get the t-shirt that says....."york shmork"....hehe:D


But if you are amongst slackers...take advantage of it and beat them at their game.....get good marks....


It's better than a cut-throat atmosphere....not mentioning any names...

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Guest jehohertz

I've experienced the same thing. But I get that in anything I try. There are just ALOT of slackers out there I've found, from school to work to even martial arts. Some people just don't give it their all. If you think it is any different at other Universities I think you'd be surprised.


Based on what I've heard from people that went to Waterloo, Western,Guelph, UofT and York when I gripe about slackers, etc is that theyare everywhere. Be glad though. They pay the same tuition so in a way are subsidizing your education. :)

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Guest PanjabiMD

Just a question, why does it matter if other students are slacking off? I mean, you should be doing what you think is right. It shouldn't be a big deal to you if other people aren't working hard in thier classes.

If you are saying the professors are poor at York, I am hoping you are not speaking of Schulich professors.



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Guest peachy
all the profs at york are pure @#%$...i can teach better than them..they dont do anything... i bet they got their phds from some kind of lagoon university unknown ...bargh....
Hey, you can choose to hate school or whatever, I don't particularly care. But there are LOTS of excellent profs at York (and some crummy ones too, just like anywhere)!
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Guest codinator

i insulted u in a personal email? i don't even know your email address. linkin, i think you should be banned from this message board.

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Guest Sarah371


I would really rethink that reply if I were you and perhaps edit it again, it was entirely inappropriate.



If you have a problem with personal messages e-mail Ian or one of the moderators and we will take care of it.


To both of you personal attacks are not appreciated on these boards.



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Guest spitfireMkIX
i insulted u in a personal email? i don't even know your email address. linkin, i think you should be banned from this message board. you are obviously a poor student, and a poor excuse for a human being. your total lack of morals proves that you should not be a doctor. you are not meant to be a doctor. not only do you lack the intellectual capacity, but you also lack rational thought.


I think that if anyone should be banned, it is you codinator. Even on the chance you are joking in your above post, you should recognize by now (with 303 posts) that people will get offended easily on message boards. Also by 303 posts, you shouldn't be drawn in by simple trolls. Unfortunately, they can't screen maturity when you register. It seems to me that many of your posts show a lack of maturity - a key attribute of any good person, let alone good doctor. I suggest you learn to better control your emotions before posting.

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Guest codinator

ok, i edited the post. even though I believe linkinpark deserved to hear most of it. he insulted me for no good reason a number of times.

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Guest PanjabiMD
all the profs at york are pure @#%$...i can teach better than them..they dont do anything... i bet they got their phds from some kind of lagoon university unknown ...bargh....

Not to cause any problems, but I seriously doubt the credibility of your post.

It can be assumed that because you do not do well, you dislike your professors rather than your professors are poor, so you do poorly. You probably are not a part of the Schulich program, and I would guess that such a reputable program has DECENT professors at the least. You can't say all professors are horrible and honestly think people will believe you, especially when there are others who disagree with you.



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Guest DrNickRiviera

at western, i've had a lot of bad professors and a lot of good ones. i've also had a lot of studious classmates and a lot of slackers.


i've always found that a course is more enjoyable if either the material or professor is interesting. at western there are teacher evaluations (online) which you can look up and see student feedback in previous years on that professor (normally fairly accurate too). if they don't have that at york another good source of information is your fellow students. when selecting courses ask people if they've ever had professor so and so and whether they enjoyed his teaching.


i also always try and attend 1 or 2 extra courses that i think i might be interested at the start of each semester. (they normally don't do much teaching the first day, but you can at least see if you can understand the accent). normally before add/drop is over you could have a chance to attend 2-3 classes and see if their teaching style suits you better than the professor of another class you're taking. it is a bit of work at the start, but it makes the rest of the semester a whole lot more enjoyable.

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Guest endingsoon
You probably are not a part of the Schulich program, and I would guess that such a reputable program has DECENT professors at the least.


Why do you keep bringing up Shulich? York is a good school and I am sure most of the programs (not just shulich) are pretty decent.

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Guest PanjabiMD
Why do you keep bringing up Shulich?

Well, I asked him if he was talking about Schulich profs as well. So when I got a response saying how all professors at York were bad, I was surprised. I only mentioned Schulich because of its reputation. I never meant for it to sound as if the other programs at York are inadequate, if that is how you interpreted it.



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Guest sweetstuff25

every university has a good/bad prof. it's sometimes out of our control. we all have a tendency to bash profs based on our marks for the course (i know i do sometimes :P ) but you have to realize that achieves nothing. better thing to do is focus on your future courses and ask others about the prof so you can arrange an appropriate course schedule. trust me, everyone goes through these problems at least a few times in their university so don't get bummed down and take some courses that truly interest you.


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Guest PhantomPhoenix

Is this the @#%$ thread or what?


You assuming profs are any better at other universities..:lol



Ever been in a class where the teacher can't speak english?


As far as there being slackers...you can find them everywhere if u want to..;)

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Some profs deserve bashing. But at least in the sciences i've learned that the REALLY horrible profs usually do pretty good research for the school..and thus are untouchable.


Gotta love tenure.

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Guest alsex

hey what do you mean by York's Standards?




i go to York... cant say i like the school , but i dont really wanna waste time on switching


either way, would be nice to know someone from York who is also interested in med... email me if u wanna chat


what you takin


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Why not transfer? The school year's almost over and you can end your "suffering" in no time.


...On a side note, it was pretty hard to open this thread and actually reply it. :rolleyes

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Guest peachy
Why not transfer? The school year's almost over and you can end your "suffering" in no time.
Yeah, I second that. Seriously, it's your life, nobody is forcing you to do anything!
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Guest studentz

yo, there are 50000 people at York, you can't follow what everyone else does. I'm only taking a few courses there this year and I had profs that weren't too great (biochem - Johnson, psych-Bauer <she's horrible>), and one of the best profs I've ever had, Dr. Fleming (Psych of Death and Dying). Like everyone said, slackers are everywhere. I was one at various points, and the one constant when I spent time at UTSC was the lack of studying among most people until a few weeks before exams, at which point every one of the many study cubicles that line the S wing would be full.


You're in university and you have to find your own path. Avoid the student centre and central square like the plague if you want to get work done; find a desk on the upper floors of the library. The most distracting aspect of York is the incredibly good looking female population and I rarely see any of them in the library...in fact, I don't see many in my classes, I wonder if they just go there to chill?!

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