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I was wondering if anybody could explain to me how the whole process of using interfolio.com for reference letters works? Thanks


pretty simple. You ask your referee to write you a traditional letter (I recommend having some sort of letter head). After he/she does this for you, ask them to send the letter along with a piece of paper that waives your right of privacy (they give you this) to interfolio.com.


You referee can either 1) upload online OR 2) mail.


I used a mail route. Basically gave them a expresspost envelope and the waiver and told them to write my letter up and mail it...


After the LOR gets to interfolio, they upload it onto your account. You cant access the letter (remember you waived your right), but you can click and send it to any school you wish. Most schools have a direct online submission. Some schools you have to input the address and it gets sent via snail mail.


Hope that helps...

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So when you waive the rght to privacy, you can actually see that they wrote about you?


Opps sorry...should have called it a Confidential Rights Waiver. This means you forfeit your right to see the letter...here is an blurb from interfolio.com about this:



CONFIDENTIAL RIGHTS WAIVER By creating this form, Will Smith has agreed that he or she is aware of his or her rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 to have access to letters of recommendation written on his or her behalf. Will Smith allows the reference writer to cite his or her academic record. Will Smith also understands that letters submitted in confidence may carry greater weight.


[X] It is Will Smith 's desire that this letter be written in confidence, and therefore wishes to waive all rights of access to this letter

[ ] Will Smith wishes to retain his or her right of access.

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