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AMCAS gpa conversion: how does it work for U of T?

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There seems to not be a definte answer as to which conversion to use to convert to your AMCAS gpa. So does anyone here know how the gpa conversion works for canadians to the U.S

I looked on the Amcas conversion chart but they have a few columns for canadians. Does anyone who applied from uoft know which one they use?

Uoft says 85-100 is a 4.0 but on one of the conversion column 87-100 is a 4.0 which worries me b/c that would lower my gpa. But there is anothe one that uses 84 and up as 4.0


Anyone know which conversion they used and if your gpa ended up the same as your uoft or university one?

thanks =)

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There seems to not be a definte answer as to which conversion to use to convert to your AMCAS gpa. So does anyone here know how the gpa conversion works for canadians to the U.S

I looked on the Amcas conversion chart but they have a few columns for canadians. Does anyone who applied from uoft know which one they use?

Uoft says 85-100 is a 4.0 but on one of the conversion column 87-100 is a 4.0 which worries me b/c that would lower my gpa. But there is anothe one that uses 84 and up as 4.0


Anyone know which conversion they used and if your gpa ended up the same as your uoft or university one?

thanks =)


AMCAS for uoft students....


A+, A (85+) is 4.0

A- (80-84) is 3.7

B+ (77-79) is 3.3

B (73-76) is 3.0

B- (70-72) is 2.7



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but how could it be the same? what you listed is differnet then the uoft system.. my gpa goes down a lot

this is realyl bad


at uoft an 80 is a 3.7 but wha tyou listed an 80 is a 3.3? and an 85 at uoft is a 4.0 but you listed it as 3.7

are you sure that is right?

I'm so worried now

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Hi, I attended UWO and my AMCAS GPA was calculated very differently as compared to my OMSAS:


80.0+ = 4.00

70.0-79.9 = 3.00

60.0-69.9= 2.00

50.0-59.9 - 1.00


I also wrote this in a previous post. Don't worry about writing it incorrectly on the application - they correct it for you anyways.

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that is so weird that at uwo an 80+ is considered a 4.0?


I guess that is balanced by the 79 being a 3.0 isntead of 3.3


How do they come up with this stuff haha


So basically.. it seems that none of the forumulas theyused fit the conversion table they provded lol?


Sony.. maybe I was misinterpreting what you wrote.. but did you mean the 80-84 is a 3.7 and 85-100 is a 4.0? I'm just worried a 85 woudl be considered a 3.7

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that is so weird that at uwo an 80+ is considered a 4.0?


I guess that is balanced by the 79 being a 3.0 isntead of 3.3


How do they come up with this stuff haha


So basically.. it seems that none of the forumulas theyused fit the conversion table they provded lol?


Sony.. maybe I was misinterpreting what you wrote.. but did you mean the 80-84 is a 3.7 and 85-100 is a 4.0? I'm just worried a 85 woudl be considered a 3.7


My 85s were considered 4.0. I applied last year and my AMCAS GPA was EXACTLY...I repeat, EXACTLYYY (down to the hundredth of a point) the same as my UofT one!

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that is so weird that at uwo an 80+ is considered a 4.0?


I guess that is balanced by the 79 being a 3.0 isntead of 3.3


How do they come up with this stuff haha


So basically.. it seems that none of the forumulas theyused fit the conversion table they provded lol?


Sony.. maybe I was misinterpreting what you wrote.. but did you mean the 80-84 is a 3.7 and 85-100 is a 4.0? I'm just worried a 85 woudl be considered a 3.7


opps right...85 is 4.0. 80-84 is 3.7. I can confirm this. [i edited that post]


For what its worth madeline, some schools did appreciate that I came from UofT. Even though if I had a choice I would choose my western gpa (3.85) over my uoft one (3.72). because my MCAT were high enough that it didnt matter the reputation of my school.

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thanks! that made me feel so much better.. u have no idea haha I was worried that my 85s woudl be a 3.7 ..phew!


So the US schools actually knew UofT was harder? how do you know they took this into consideration? Or is that jus the impression you got?


thanks for your help guys!


And yes I agree.. I wouldn't recommend going to uoft for undergrad if you are premed!

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So basically.. it seems that none of the forumulas theyused fit the conversion table they provded lol?



they do fit with the conversion table. For canadian schools they only count the letter grade... so an A at western is the same at A at uoft. even though this is NOT true...because A at western is 80-100 and A in uoft is 85-100. this is not counting the fact that UOFT is cut throat* ;)


* well at least according to my brother who took courses at both schools

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