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Older version of Mcat books


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Hey guys,

So I have the older version of the Mcat practice books (kaplan and Princeton) form 2003 and antoher form 2004..

i was wondering if you guys know if I should get the newer ones?

would these ones be missing a lot of stuff that they updated or decided to take out..

Anyone know how much they change the books?

Would you recommend getting the newer ones?

I;d appreciate any help.

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I used the 2003 Kaplan last year and I'm using the 2007 Barron's now....I don't see a dramatic difference in the scientific content. Science did advance, but not so much the basics you are expected to know on the MCAT. If you were using a 1988 book, this would be a problem, but 4 years is not a significant amount of time. I wouldn't waste your money unless you are really paranoid about this.

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Yeah, they prolly just edit/change the organization from year to year...that's what they do to our textbooks anyway almost every year and the new ones aren't always better. The mcat content was changed a bit in 2003 (more DNA/genetics, less orgo)...I think 2003/2004 practice books would've reflected that already...but even that wasn't a major change...so I wouldn't worry about it.

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The books are likely fine to study from. However, a few years ago the AAMC changed the content of the exam (more genetics, less o-chem I believe) and the order the sections were written but I can't remember the year. Just a heads up if you do the practice exams your book came with.

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