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Curriculum changes

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Could a current 1st year med student at western comment on the new program? how often are you examined, how much lecture, how smoothly was the change implemented etc ....

and if possible, how it compares to the 'old' program.






We're examined at the end of each block (5-6 weeks usually) and then at the end of the semester, we'll have a series of exams. Like this past december, we had Infection & Immunity, Mssk, a community health midterm, and Intro to medicine (genetics, biochem, stuff like that).


We have lecture every morning from 8:30-12:30 (unless we have an anatomy lab scheduled in there, that might take off an hour). Then on Mondays we have 1-3 hours of Community Health. Of the remaing 4 afternoons, 2 of them we have off, and the other 2 we have either clinical methods of our small group discussion.


The change has been alright, there have been kinks in the system, but for the most part, I like this system a lot... it makes sense to learn about pheumonia, COPD, Beta agonists, and all that good stuff WHEN you learn about the anatomy and physiology of the lung.


Hope it helps.

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Thank alot!


so you are examined at the end of each unit (5-6 weeks) and then you are re-examined on the same material at the end of the term? what about at the end of the year .... do you have to go over everything again from the whole year or is it just term by term? how is your final mark in the course calculated?


Do you know how second year is going to change? i assume you just keep going with the systms based approach, but do you have the same amount of time off?


Thanks so much

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Thank alot!


so you are examined at the end of each unit (5-6 weeks) and then you are re-examined on the same material at the end of the term? what about at the end of the year .... do you have to go over everything again from the whole year or is it just term by term? how is your final mark in the course calculated?


Do you know how second year is going to change? i assume you just keep going with the systms based approach, but do you have the same amount of time off?


Thanks so much


Well the year is divided into 2 semesters, so we're only tested on the first half material in december and the second half stuff in june. So you DO have to review everything at the end of the semester, but there isn't a GIANT cumulative exam period for the whole year. The course mark is calculated based on: assignment, midterm, final and small group evaluation. The exams make up the bulk of the final mark.


To be honest, I have no idea what is happening next year. I assume we have roughly the same schedule, but I'm not entirely sure.


Hope this helps!

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