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"special consideration" for the weighting formula

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What would be considered special consideration for the weighting formula?


I had a not-so-stellar first 3 years of undergrad:


- I had mono in 2nd year and dropped a course (was never documented on my transcript and had no medical note because I had no acute symptoms - I was just extremely fatigued for a good few months, which my doc obviously has documentation of)

- I had screwed up family issues that didn't bode well for my overall well-being

- I was stuck in a toxic relationship (which could be perceived as something in my control and maybe a negative reflection of my character?)


I'm by no means one to beg for sympathy, and am by no means trying to make excuses, but I feel that after all of that negative stuff in my life I've become a much stronger, mature and focused person. Obviously I need to communicate that when asking for special consideration, yet I think that if I read someone else post this that I'd think they were being dramatic and trying to "do anything possible". For all they know, I'm making all of this up as its my word against no one's, unless a stellar 4th year is enough indication to them. Maybe it doesn't help that I didn't consider medicine seriously until 3rd year but as hallmark-tv-special as it sounds, those personal experiences have made me know myself and grow so much.


What do you guys think? Anyone had any experience with this process?

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Do you have good extracurriculars?

Are you in fourth year now? Perhaps you can take a fifth year. If you have two really good years, you would qualify for Western and Queens at least. And maybe other schools like U of T if you talk about your special circumstances in your letter.

I have no experiences with this process, sorry.

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I'm in fourth year now, graduating with a year-long job if I want to take it. I've got great ECs, volunteering, not so med applicant typical hobbies, I'll be submitting and publishing a paper (first author) within the coming months. I'm overall very confident in my ability to perform as a physician and feel I'm well equipped. I'm just wondering if the ad com would view me as trying to beat the system, when my request is genuine.

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isn't it waay too late to ask for special consideration? i was under the impression that you send out a letter around the time omsas stuff is due.

lol, I haven't applied yet. I'm asking for next year



and yes, I had a full course load every other year besides 2nd.

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Well then, aside from the relationship problems (I know a bad relationship can realy affect schoolwork but I think it is just too common for it to count towards special consideration), I think you have some valid issues unfortunately I do not have any past experience with this.

That is definately true.

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