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Describe your biggest failure?


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well im deciding between two..they are actually quite real and have taught me quite a bit.


1) back in grade 10 working during my probation period (i think still in my first month) as a cashier i lost $105 in purchases because of suspended transaction. the customer returned asking for their purchases and having a huge line, I should've given it another thought but gave it to him. Actually, because it was a suspended transaction no one would know unless i said something but I felt compelled to tell what i did wrong even if it meant being punished for it so I did. The problem was that I was working for 10 hours to fill in for someone else and because there were fairly new managers on duty that night they didn't schedule breaks properly (or not at all) so i worked 8 hours without a break and no one was responding to the "back-up to front cash" calls (I got a 15 minute break after it to obsess over how stupid I was!). At the time, I took it to heart and because I was too polite to really say much more than the usual and perhaps not assertive enough, it happened and felt like a complete failure. They kept me still and didn't add any restrictions and covered the bill too, because apparently i was quite good at it and very good with customers (and I think they realized they were at fault too).



i think im going to stick with the first one...finding myself going out with a sexist... erm...guy and only confronting him about his sexist behaviour towards others after feeling completely like a failure for going out with him in the first place (being quite the feminist) seems a little intense.

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