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Interview Day Feedback


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Hey guys, hope everyone who had an interview today felt it went okay!


I REALLY hope you enjoyed the tours and presentations and fell in love with the city and the program, but I'd love to hear things you didn't like so much about your day or things we can work on!


It was great meeting most of you at some point in the day ;) (I'll live cryptically :P)

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I know this is a thread about the negative aspects of the interview but I can't come up with any right now. The med students were great and very comforting, the presentation was informative, especially the video, and the interviewers were very laid back and friendly. The tour through the anatomy lab was cool because we got a small presentation by some profs and got to see real cadavers on the table along with a whole bunch of preserved organs but it was stinky! lol. Fingers crossed.....

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I know this is a thread about the negative aspects of the interview but I can't come up with any right now. The med students were great and very comforting, the presentation was informative, especially the video, and the interviewers were very laid back and friendly. The tour through the anatomy lab was cool because we got a small presentation by some profs and got to see real cadavers on the table along with a whole bunch of preserved organs but it was stinky! lol. Fingers crossed.....


Did you opt to take the test? If so, was it fine or annoying?

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I know this is a thread about the negative aspects of the interview but I can't come up with any right now. The med students were great and very comforting, the presentation was informative, especially the video, and the interviewers were very laid back and friendly. The tour through the anatomy lab was cool because we got a small presentation by some profs and got to see real cadavers on the table along with a whole bunch of preserved organs but it was stinky! lol. Fingers crossed.....

Believe it or not, you eventually get use to the smell of the anatomy lab. After 5-10 minutes you don't even notice it!

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I am with you everyoneloveschem . you may even feel hungry in there.... just kidding. The ventilation system is very good and the school has a restrict policies for the level of formaldehyde in there. so no worriers what so ever.



Sara kj

Meds 2010

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I did take the test, it was OK for the most part. There may not be right/wrong answers for some questions, so it's not necessarily tricky and for $20, well worth the 30min. I make $8/hour at work - I'm being jipped!


Haha! no worries, i'm getting ripped off too.


I thought the interview day was very well organized. the students were all super nice and so were the admissions staff. I thought the presentation was informative (although I had seen the video on here beforehand) and the tour was interesting (and warm, thank god for indoor passage-ways). I was only disappointed in that I was in Ottawa on the coldest day possible and thus couldn't really get such a feel for the city (my cab driver told me "don't worry, although it's -42 right now, it's going up to -26" - yikes!).

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No, unfortunately there aren't simply cause of the way we're set up with single days scattered through this month. Other schools with interview "weekends" have a huge number of interviewess there over a couple of days so it's possible to organize events for all of them.


I think we're pretty big on social activities though, just not with yall. :P

Kidding! On your interview day though, if it's a thursday or friday or saturday.. ask the 1st and 2nd years around if there's anything going on that night and you're more than welcome to join us!


So for people interviewing this Friday.. us 2nd years are having our psych block party.. I'll post where and when once we finalize it.


EDIT: Block party is at Foundations in the Market.. if you're interested, talk to one of the 2nd years on friday (doing the afternoon tours and presentations since we're writing our exam that morning) :)

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