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What time are results released?

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I remember logging onto CaRMS at 9:59am (Edmonton time)... nothing there. Hit 'refresh', and there were my results!

Hey there,


Good to know! I've also heard rumours of there being some sort of "reveal" button which appears after you've logged in but before the match results page. Supposedly it might have been added to allow folks time to finally log in and then get psyched up for the news on the page ahead. Any truth to this?




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Yes, there was a "reveal your match results" or something button which preceded your final result, so if you got to this screen, you knew that you at least matched somewhere. You had to click on this button to get your results, which appeared in a separate pop-up window. I heard some people saying that this final screen took like 15+ minutes to appear for them, but mine was there within 45 seconds with the happy news, despite my logging in at the peak time- actually, I waited until about 1220 before I logged in- there was something more interesting on TV at the time, if I recall correctly!

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Yes, there was a "reveal your match results" or something button which preceded your final result, so if you got to this screen, you knew that you at least matched somewhere.

Yags! Well, hopefully all of us discover that wee button when we log in on Wednesday. :)




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I think they contact us the day before if we did not match. At least that's what someone told me.


While that's the way that things used to be (so-called 'Unmatch Day'), I am almost certain that this is not true anymore, because the people that ended up unmatched on match day in our class sure didn't have any advanced warning, judging from their reactions and from talking with them afterwards. It may still be true at other schools, but this is definitely not the case at UWO.

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No... unmatched applicants find out at the same time as everyone else when they log onto the site. 2003 was a BAAAD year. My class had 14/106 unmatched, and this was pretty standard across the country. A bunch of people in my class actually met in the computer lab to check results, and some were pretty crushed while others were elated (but felt bad about their elation since others were crushed).


I preferred to skip the whole unpleasant ordeal and check my results at home.


We didn't have a 'reveal' button... your results were just there... WHAMMO! Maybe they added the 'reveal' button because too many people had heart attacks...?


Or maybe it was just a bug. We were the first year of e-CaRMS, and we had all sorts of interesting bugs. For example, there was initially no 'submit' button after you typed in all of your demographic info in the first phase of the application. Of course, we all left it to the last minute before discovering there was no 'submit' button. Somebody reported it and the site went down for DAYS. We all missed the deadline, and our whole year was granted an extension. Things like this happened MANY times... Aaah e-CaRMS! Good times! :D


Good luck :)

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No... 2003 was a BAAAD year. My class had 14/106 unmatched, and this was pretty standard across the country.


That is scary! Hopefully this year isn't too bad, but from the sounds of things lots of specialties have increased numbers this year... hopefully Wed doesn't bring too much bad news!!


Like you did, I think I'm going to check my results at home. that way I can make lots of phone calls and compose myself before going to the match party.

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Well, 2003 was bad all around, but my class had a few special cases. Many people applied only to competitive specialties (ophtho, ENT). Also, a lot of people applying to less competitive specialties (peds/IM) applied only to 2 or 3 sites. Finally, we had a bunch of couples matchers, and in some cases, both partners wanted fairly competitive specialties. In one case, they wanted urology/O&G, and had both done electives in different places :eek: We also had a girl who wanted rural family, but only ranked ONE program.


For the most part, these people are ok now... they either got spots in the 2nd round that they are happy with, went to the US, did a year of research then matched, or managed to switch programs. For a while it was really tough, though. I think U of A 2004/2005 adopted a different strategy for CaRMS based on what happened to my class.


As for post-match... well, I decided that if I matched, I would shave my head on match day since I no longer needed to look 'professional'. I chickened out a bit, but ended up buying some blue hair dye and dying my hair blue. I always thought my psych preceptor gave me the last 2 weeks off because he was a generous guy. Maybe the blue hair also had something to do with it...?

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Hey everyone,


Good luck on Wednesday for those of us logging in at 12 EST - hey wait a minute, since daylight savings time is 3 weeks early thanks to 'dubya', is the match time still noon EST or is it noon EDT?? ;)


I was going to get my bf to log in for me and just yell the news from the next room! :o



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It's definitely nerve racking. Most of my friends are starting to have palpitations and nausea just thinking about it. We're all crossing our fingers, hoping for the best. I dunno how i'm gonna sleep in the next couple of days, it`s been total anxiety in crescendo since rank has been submitted :S


Good luck to all :)

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LOL... I remember that about a week before CaRMS, one of my friends phoned me up and said she was having chest pain, shortness of breath and hand tingling She was certain that she had either a pulmonary embolism or a stroke! I wonder how many 4th year med students end up in the emergency department with panic-induced symptoms in the week before CaRMS?


I hope it goes well for all of you. It's an exciting time! You'll be relieved to have it over with. Then, it's just the home stretch until med school is finished.


Good luck :)

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Hey there,


In lieu of dreams about match day, last night it was dreams of running codes. (Just completed the ACLS course this weekend.) Trying to reason through where you'd stored 1mg of epi in your place in the middle of the night does not make for good sleeps! On the upside, it was nice to be thinking of something other than matching.




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