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Having a really specific goal v. wanting to be become ANY kinda doctor


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Dilemma: For personal reasons and inspiration, I have a really specific goal in applying to med. I'm wondering if that'll put me at a disadvantage. Does admissions generally like to hear that I want to help ALL individuals as opposed to just a certain group (which is how it might sound like if I show dedication and perseverence for one specific aim)?


Here is how specific the goal is: I want to go into psychiatry to eventually work with and develop programs for individuals with autism spectrum disorders and PDD-NOS. In case there are any questions about why not OT/nursing/other health field...there is a lack of a holistic approach to therapy for these individuals and psychiatry allows me to combine medication with behavioural therapy (mind-body-spirit) and I'm attracted to how a medical background can enhance psychotherapy.


What do you guys think? Points lost? What do interviewers want to hear?

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Dilemma: For personal reasons and inspiration, I have a really specific goal in applying to med. I'm wondering if that'll put me at a disadvantage. Does admissions generally like to hear that I want to help ALL individuals as opposed to just a certain group (which is how it might sound like if I show dedication and perseverence for one specific aim)?


Here is how specific the goal is: I want to go into psychiatry to eventually work with and develop programs for individuals with autism spectrum disorders and PDD-NOS. In case there are any questions about why not OT/nursing/other health field...there is a lack of a holistic approach to therapy for these individuals and psychiatry allows me to combine medication with behavioural therapy (mind-body-spirit) and I'm attracted to how a medical background can enhance psychotherapy.


What do you guys think? Points lost? What do interviewers want to hear?

Hi there,


One thing you might wish to demonstrate in an interview is insight. Often in medical school, you will find folks who are initially determined to follow a certain career path but who are exposed to other areas and change paths. You might want to mention that this is a possibility even though you have an idea of the area in which you would like to work. To wit: although you note that you'd like to enter Psychiatry, autism and PDDs are often encountered in Pediatrics and specialization in Developmental Pediatrics could certainly provide a career path similar to what you describe above.




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I don't think it could hurt to mention it. Having been on an interview panel, I would have been interested to hear this and discuss it with the applicant. I think the only way it could be a detriment is if you were to say, "this is the only thing I want to do, and I won't consider anything else" (and hopefully you don't feel this way!). As Kirsteen said, there are a lot of ways to approach things, and you should be open to other areas that might pique your interest along the way.

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I agree. I also have a 'preference' for a specific specialty. I said that this was what I was interested in for the following reasons but was open to other facets of medicine that I have not yet been exposed to. The interviewer also happened to be in the specialty and said she had chosen it for the same reasons I had said :) . I think it's ok to have a specific goal, especially if you have good reasons to back it up. But you should always remain 'open' to other fields.

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Agree with what has already been said. I think it is good to have a specific goal, especially if you can talk about your reasons for wanting to pursue a specific specialty. It demonstrates that you have a true interest in medicine, and have done your research regarding at least one field. On the other hand, interviewers are not EXPECTING people at this stage (with no clinical exposure) to have made up their minds re: future careers. Mention that in med school, you will be exposed to all different fields and might discover something related or completely different that you enjoy! Many of us do, including the people who seemed 100% focused on a very specific area from day 1.


Good luck :)

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Woow! Thanks for the advice. That was uber helpful. =) I'm definitely open to other fields of medicine but I almost forgot to include that in my schpiel!


I guess what I was specifically concerned about was that they might bring up why I don't want to help society in general. Interviewers usually ask questions about how we would change a global issue or problems in healthcare, don't they? If I continued along the lines of mental health for both questions, would that seem too narrow-minded?

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