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ppl that chose NMP as first choice

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Who is your caver buddy? I probably know him or at least would recognize his name, unless he is a Port Alberni caver. The port alberni cavers have denounced all the other cavers in BC and keep to themselves. They are lead by an xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Hopefully thats not your friend :eek::D

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Who is your caver buddy? I probably know him or at least would recognize his name, unless he is a Port Alberni caver. The port alberni cavers have denounced all the other cavers in BC and keep to themselves. They are lead by an egomaniacal, unbelievably insecure, paranoid pot-head. Hopefully thats not your friend :eek::D

I'll pm you....

apparently we are getting in trouble!:(

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First, this is not a professional situation that calls for tact, I believe I have the right to communicate candidly with friends; there are numerous examples of very candid, perhaps offensive to some, communication on this message board. Second, truthfulness is a desirable trait. Yeah, it doesn't look good slamming somebody, but jeez some people are just idiots and deserve to be slammed.


Consider that this splinter group has rejected the entire BC Speleogical Federation (Fedaration to which all (but one) caving clubs in BC belong), and refuses attempts at communication. Whom do you think is in the wrong, the BCSF with a 30+ year history of professionally dealing with government agencies, industry and other caving groups or the splinter group. If you think I am just talking smack about this guy without any proof, I have saved all the email correspondance I had with him when I joined his group in an attempt to make peace between his group and the BCSF. He (lets call him Q) really is paranoid, insecure and a pot head. As for egomaniacal :

1) Q named a caving area after himself (very bad form)


2) He kicked the cofounder of his club out of the club because the cofounder let BCSF members explore a cave that Q and the cofounder had jointly found.



There are many more examples of what a idoit Q is but I won't talk about Vancouver Island caving politics anymore. You don't want to hear about it. Most of us are pretty normal but every 30 years or so a nutcase comes along.


Yes, perhaps I should have PMed my previous post to wanttobedoc, it's easy to forget that this is a public forum. No names were mentioned.


Put that flamethrower back on saftey please.....I'll go back and delete my post if you'd like. Unfortunately I can't retract my comments unless you and wanttobedoc delete your posts which quote mine.

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