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Calculating Averages

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D'no if this has been posted already, but some clarification for those like me who needed it.


Talked to UBC Med Admissions lady today and she confirmed that my Japan student exchange year marks will be factored into (1) my overall average and (2) my lsat 60 credits average. The calculation will be based on some some sort of secret percentage scale from the UBC Registrar's Office.


Also, my IB English HL marks will not be factored into the prerequisite average. BAH! =(

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I did a postbac year and took 50 credits in that year...so 10 short of the 60 they use when they look at the last 60. When they go to find those last 10 credits from my undergrad will they take the highest grades in calculating the average?

I was in a quarter system and my grades that they will choosing from are

B-, B+, A- and A (all 5 credit classes)


Obviously I would like for them to take the A- and A but what do you think they will do?



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