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All physics on the MCAT is high school level. I personally don't think univ physics would help much for the MCAT, except maybe to refresh your memory.


True if you took physics in high school up to grade 12. But if you didn't take it then you are kinda relying on that first year physics, no? Many a pre-med only took bio and chem in high school.


Also from experience the physics course I mentioned at UWO dose screw you over. If you took the class you will understand what I mean, it is a fairly universal opinion at UWO. I got a high eighty yet after the final I knew I learned virtually nothing. I took the MCAT. I got over 10 on everything but stupid PS which is the reason why I am doing the thing again. I had a sold foundation for my other subjects but not for physics and for me, I could feel this affect while I was prepping for the MCAT.


Sure there are things I could of done differently and I am not blaming my first year physics for my PS score. But I would be lying to myself if I didn't admit that it had a role in making that section harder than it should have been.


The moral of the story is easy doesn't equal good all the time when it comes to your core science courses.

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True if you took physics in high school up to grade 12. But if you didn't take it then you are kinda relying on that first year physics, no? Many a pre-med only took bio and chem in high school.



True. But physics on the MCAT is still high school level lol, that's not going to change whether or not you've done high school physics or not. First yr univ physics will almost always be more advanced than what you need for the MCAT.

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Ya would think eh? I can tell you with certainty that if you took Physics 28/29(physics for the life sciences) at western you might change your mind on that one. The course counts as a normal physics credit and it covers a lot of stuff, some of it not on the MCAT. But it also doesn't cover or barely covers 50% of the material you are suppose to know, you know that high school stuff.


I remember on one mid term in Feb 2005 there was a question of this prehistoric sea creature and it asked you which way was "up" on the picture. I am sadly serious... Also remember this course counts as a standard physics course with lab credit for any science student. Credit wise it is the equivalent of that other first year physics class were they are doing trig and all of that fun stuff. So if you did no physics ever basically, you are at a disadvantage even if it is high school stuff because it is the first time you are ever drawing a free body diagram. ;) Now physics comes naturally to some ppl that is a given. But if you are like me and feel more comfortable in a physiology text than a physics text it becomes a pain in the ass quick having your first real exposure to the material while prepping for the MCAT. I wish last year was just review of old material...


Now if you took the standard first year physics then you are golden. But that "life sciences" name is very tempting for a premed and most of them at Western get caught.


I thought I hit the jack pot until I cracked open the real physics text last summer and realized that I will be spending a lot more time then planed learning high school physics. Now if only there was a question on the physical orientation of that prehistoric sea creature last Aug. I would of got my 10 instead of that damn 9. ;)


Gotta love the exceptions of the norm. ;)

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Wow ... I was just looking at what people had to say about the professor who will be teaching physics (if I take the course) at my school ... this scares the c^@p out of :(




I could write a novel on how bad this class is or how terrible of a prof Atkinson is, but I'll sum it up in two points: 1. When more than half the class fails or drops out of this first year course year after year, you KNOW there's a problem.....


I was told you need to take physics eventually if you want to get into Med School. DON'T. Atkinson is brutal. This class gave me more trouble than all my third year classes combined, and it's a first year course. Exams are brutal, assignments are brutal, problem solvings are brutal. There really is nothing good about this class.


omgggg....words cant describe how happy i am that physics is over..atkinson is the hardest professor EVER!!..


he worst prof ever..has no mercy..loves to fail everyone...seriously...be prepared..the worst thing is..u have no choice but to take it with him..9 questions...2 marks each..doesn't give part marks ... those are his exams..class avg..40-50 every year..and don think ur yr will be the exception

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