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Nserc - When Does It Start?


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Hi! I have accept the nserc award for the summer at uft. I was just wondering if anyone knew when it started? Does it start first week of may or second week of may or does it depend. Cause my last exam is on may 1st? Hmmm i guess i can just call them on monday but i m kinda eager know LOL.


Thanks for your help

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NSERC USRA is just an award. NSERC expects you to work for 16 weeks, but honestly how the hell are they going to find out when you are working?


It really all depends on your supervisor, but just because your supervisor expects you there during certain hours doesn't mean those are they only hours you work. The first year I got NSERC I worked strictly 9-4 - the hours my supervisor was around, and expected me to be around.


I thought it was pretty cool making $15 an hour, but I was foolish in thinking that research is like bussing tables or any other menial task job. Last year and treated it just like I would studying for school or doing a project. You don't study 9-4 and then stop...you work as much as you can to get as much done as possible - including weekends. The harder you work, the more opportunities will open up for you. You get much more out of your experience this way (really this applies to any job).

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I believe technically NSERC requires you to work 16 weeks in a row with 35 hour weeks (don't quote me on the hours). But like most people said, in reality, it mostly depends on the research project and on the supervisor. I usually worked 9-6 my first summer of research. Last year I worked anywhere between 10-4 to 8-7 depending on the experiments I needed to get done that day.


If you'd like to start a little bit later due to finals, talk to your supervisor. It's usually quite flexible. You'll simply end a little bit later.

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