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Request for early decision on application? Suggestions?

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So I was wondering if anyone’s heard of admissions allowing a student to hear the decision on their application earlier than the expected May 15th.


My case is as follows: I just heard back from an Irish Medical School that I got accepted!!! Which is extremely exciting since, after UBC, University of Dublin is my 2nd choice. However, in order to reserve a spot in the Irish medical school I have to put down 4,000 Euros (equivalent to about $ 6,000 Cnd) by Tuesday May 8th. For me, that’s a lot of money :)


So I was wondering if it would be a smart move to call the admissions office at UBC and tell them my dilemma. It would make my life so much easier to know whether I got accepted to UBC or not, before I make such a huge payment to Ireland. Here’s another thing that’s pushing to me to request an early decision: As a BC resident, I applied last year and was waitlisted until the first day of class. Supposedly this meant that I was extremely close to getting accepted. So they’re familiar with my application.


I have this fear that if I tell UBC my scenario that it would be a negative mark on my application. This is totally unfounded, but could they be more likely to reject me since I’ve already been accepted to another school? Possibly be more inclined to give a spot to someone else who hasn’t been accepted to another school? I know I’m probably looking into this way too much but I thought I’d get others’ opinions before acting too quick.


Any suggestions from you guys would be greatly appreciated. Has anyone here been in the same mess?? Or knows of someone that asked for an early decision?


Thanks in advance.

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I don't think there is any way you will get an early decision from UBC. If you want to keep the Ireland option open, you just have to pay the fee at the risk you'll lose it if you get into UBC. Really, it's pennies compared to what your medical degree is going to cost you. And actually you're in a win win situation. In a few months you'll be studying medicine regardless. Congratulations! :)

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Call in anonymously and ask if they hypothetically would do such a thing. Otherwise, just suck it up and pay the 6k deposit. Think about it this way: you're putting in 6k as an investment. If you don't pay the deposit and also get rejected at UBC again, that's one less year of a doctor's salary that you will be able to make, which is much more than 6 thousand dollars.

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Why call in anonymously? It's perfectly reasonable to call them and tell them that you have got another offer that would like you to put down a lot of money but that UBC is your first choice. Asking them is not going to affect whether or not they give you an offer.

The only problem may be that the committee have not met or finalized their decisions yet.

But you should definately call them and talk to someone about it. Maybe you could also talk to someone at the Dublin school and see if you could put off paying your downpayment until the 16th.

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Why call in anonymously? It's perfectly reasonable to call them and tell them that you have got another offer that would like you to put down a lot of money but that UBC is your first choice. Asking them is not going to affect whether or not they give you an offer.

I guess he's being very cautious with something as precious as an offer of acceptance. I probably would, too.


Maybe you could also talk to someone at the Dublin school and see if you could put off paying your downpayment until the 16th.

That's another good option. Call them and tell them you need to secure the funds for deposit and will have them by the 16th. See if they'll allow that.

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Talk to someone at the Dublin school and see if you could put off paying your downpayment until the 16th.

This is what you should do. Any potential "negative marks" on your application wouldn't matter here, as they're already sold on you.


UBC will likely tell you to take a hike. You have to decide which is more important to you, keeping in mind the $6000: guaranteed acceptance to a medical school or acceptance to the UBC medical school.

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Maybe you could also talk to someone at the Dublin school and see if you could put off paying your downpayment until the 16th.


I've been thinking about doing that...and you guys are right that there's nothing to lose with Dublin. The only thing is that they seem pretty rigid on the payment deadline. Here's what a portion of the offer of admission: "Due to the demand for places on the medical degree, we adhere rigidly to payment deadlines and a late payment will result in your offer of admission being withdrawn." This is word for word, even for the bold and underline :)


Either way, it's totally worth a try and I'll call them Mon morning. I'll keep you updated on their response. But I think I might just avoid calling UBC and risking anything. I guess $6, 000 will be worth it in the long term.

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REL, I would definitely not contact UBC. Make up some excuse (even lie) about not having the funds until a specified date. If you get into UBC, back out and you will make someone on Dublin's waitlist happy. If they don't push back the deadline, then pay up! ;)

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I'll call UBC on Monday for you and ask them what my options would be if I got an early acceptance at another university. The receptionist is not going to trace my call, find out my name, and call up the admission committee to tell them that I've applied to another school. They know that students apply to more than one university. It's in their best interest to get the best students, too. I'll let you know what they say.

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I agree with Paule. Just phone...

You guys are acting like there is a big conspiracy or something against applicants that ask questions. I don't think it is at all unreasonable to do this, and if I were in the same position, I would definately call. 6000 dollars is a lot of money....

You never know unless you ask. If you are worried; you can always do it anonymously. The worst that can happen is that UBC will say, we can't tell you anything until May 15th....or maybe, they will make an exception in your case. Who knows....unless you ask.

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You could phone in or email them. But I think there's very little chance they'll let you know. It's a slippery slope, if they accommodate you they'll have to accomodate a lot of other cases. There's simply not enough manpower to deal with this kind of situations. They already have their hands full trying to pick the 255th and 256th applicants that they want to accept. Besides, it's only fair for everyone to hear the news on the same day. Having said that, IMHO I don't think it's COMPLETELY fair because not ALL the results are released at the exact same time... others may have mentioned this in other threads already...

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I agree with Paule. Just phone...

You guys are acting like there is a big conspiracy or something against applicants that ask questions. I don't think it is at all unreasonable to do this, and if I were in the same position, I would definately call. 6000 dollars is a lot of money....

You never know unless you ask. If you are worried; you can always do it anonymously. The worst that can happen is that UBC will say, we can't tell you anything until May 15th....or maybe, they will make an exception in your case. Who knows....unless you ask.


Yeah, you're right!! It's definitely worth a try and they can't use this against my application. Worst case scenario is that they'll tell me to suck it up and wait 2-3 more weeks. I decided that if I have to do this, I'll just rob a bank for $6000 and pay them latter when I graduate...I swear I will. Why go through the process of applying for loans, line of credit, etc. Who wants to fill out paperwork when you can wear a ski masks and yell like a mad man at bank tellers?!?!


Seriously though, I'll still call Dublin on Monday and ask them for a week extension on the payment. I'm praying they'll let me but my gut feeling is they'll tell me, "do you know how many people would love to take your spot and pay the 4000 Euros????" That's when I offer to buy the guy a 6-pack of Canadian beer if he lets me pay latter. If that doesn't work, I'll break down into serious sobbing and beg him: "Please O’Brien !!!! (made up name, by the way). I have to ride on top of the skytrain in Vancouver everyday cause I can't afford to pay for my fare to work. Why won't you accept my $20 Canadian dollars as a deposit?!??!?!? I'm begging you man!!!!! For the love God!!!" And that's when he’ll hang up the phone in my face and I laugh hysterically like a crazy person...for no reason whatsoever.


Ok, so this med school application thing is driving me crazy but it's fun to laugh about it and make up stupid scenarios. Sorry if I offended anyone here...like bank tellers that've been robbed at gun-point, still seeking recovery from such a traumatic event. :D

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You could phone in or email them. But I think there's very little chance they'll let you know. It's a slippery slope, if they accommodate you they'll have to accomodate a lot of other cases. There's simply not enough manpower to deal with this kind of situations. They already have their hands full trying to pick the 255th and 256th applicants that they want to accept. Besides, it's only fair for everyone to hear the news on the same day. Having said that, IMHO I don't think it's COMPLETELY fair because not ALL the results are released at the exact same time... others may have mentioned this in other threads already...


Yeah, I know it would be a slippery slope...but it never hurts for someone in REL's position to ask? What do you mean not ALL the results are released at the exact same time? Are you referring to the time of day or can it happen on different days? Obviously waitlist people would happen later.....

and it sounds like acceptances are released first and then later on the same day, the rejections.....

Contrary to what I've learned on this forum, I have heard that early acceptances at UBC can start rolling out early May and go from there. This information was informally given to me by someone at UBC a few months ago. I took it with a grain of salt though....

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Yeah, I know it would be a slippery slope...but it never hurts for someone in REL's position to ask? What do you mean not ALL the results are released at the exact same time? Are you referring to the time of day or can it happen on different days? Obviously waitlist people would happen later.....

and it sounds like acceptances are released first and then later on the same day, the rejections.....

Contrary to what I've learned on this forum, I have heard that early acceptances at UBC can start rolling out early May and go from there. This information was informally given to me by someone at UBC a few months ago. I took it with a grain of salt though....



haha maybe as soon as you said "I have heard that early acceptances at UBC can start rolling out early May and go from there", many people are gonna start checking everyday every hour haha from May1st. you just made the waiting extra nerve-wrecking for so many people waiting! ;)

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haha maybe as soon as you said "I have heard that early acceptances at UBC can start rolling out early May and go from there", many people are gonna start checking everyday every hour haha from May1st. you just made the waiting extra nerve-wrecking for so many people waiting! ;)


Yah, I know....

that is why I never posted anything about it when I first heard it. It is like when I first posted the increase to 256 seats...everyone jumped all over that post. I am betting we all find out on May 15th like everyone else....happy waiting.....:)

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"I'll just rob a bank for $6000 and pay them latter when I graduate..."


Or you could sell part of your liver. It's the only organ that regenerates :) What's your HLA type?


All jokes aside - I understand the situation that you're in. If you plan on coming back to Canada - your best option is to stay in Canada. Although it may be easier for foreign grads to get hired now with the opening of IMG spots, it's still not easy.




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If you plan on coming back to Canada - your best option is to stay in Canada. Although it may be easier for foreign grads to get hired now with the opening of IMG spots, it's still not easy.





Yeah Phsio, you're totally right man: I would love to stay in Canada. This is my home and I'm totally willing to lose my $6,000 dollars deposit for a chance to study and ultimately practice medicine in Canada. But I'm so frustrated with the whole system and application process here. This isn't my first time applying so I feel frustrated that my home country won't take me. But the first time I apply to schools outside Canada, they accept me right away. Something is totally wrong with that!!

So I decided that if I'm not accepted in UBC this year that I won't practice in Canada. University of Dublin has excellent residency placements in the U.S. So that's where I'll probably end up going. It's a sad realization for me but I feel it's the right one.



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hey Rel, I was in nearly the same boat as you last year. I applied to Irish schools, and got accepted to UCC (Cork). I actually already got rejected from UBC twice with no interview, so I was very much inclined to take the Cork offer. The deposit seemed steep, and they wanted it pretty much pronto. The pressure was on, and I was seriously a breath away from accepting it. But in the end, I turned it down.. It was a few days before the deadline, but for some reason during those few days, a multitude of events occurred that I could not ignore. My friend who is studying at UBC med right now messaged me out of the blue and tried to convince me not to go to a foreign med school because of the troubles of coming back, obtaining visa's in the states, etc. Another friend told me about a friend of their's who went overseas and actually had trouble coming back.. And I was reading on an online forum for Irish med school students and a lot of them are worried about where they will go after graduating! I just thought to myself.. If I have a good chance here, why not just keep trying for a few more years? If I went to Ireland, it would take an extra year of studying, and perhaps a few years of trying to come back to Canada anyways! So why not just use that extra time trying to get into a Canadian school and study for way cheaper in my own country? I think I have a good chance in Canada - for most people who have a good chance, it's just a matter of time before they get in..


That was how I made my decision. I'm glad I was able to get an interview this year. I am aware that the situation for IMGs is improving in Canada, and that there are a lot of successful doctors working in Canada that did not earn their degree in a Canadian school. But nevertheless, if you haven't already, I would suggest researching some of the Irish med school forums and see what some of the actual med school students there are saying..


That's my story, and I went this route because I like Canada a lot and would really prefer to stay here. There were people who disagreed with what I did and felt that I should have taken the Cork offer. Including my uncle who is a doctor from Australia, practicing in Richmond, BC. Wish you all the best.. and keep us posted on your decisions!

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hey Rel, I was in nearly the same boat as you last year. I applied to Irish schools, and got accepted to UCC (Cork). I actually already got rejected from UBC twice with no interview, so I was very much inclined to take the Cork offer. The deposit seemed steep, and they wanted it pretty much pronto. The pressure was on, and I was seriously a breath away from accepting it. But in the end, I turned it down.. It was a few days before the deadline, but for some reason during those few days, a multitude of events occurred that I could not ignore. My friend who is studying at UBC med right now messaged me out of the blue and tried to convince me not to go to a foreign med school because of the troubles of coming back, obtaining visa's in the states, etc. Another friend told me about a friend of their's who went overseas and actually had trouble coming back.. And I was reading on an online forum for Irish med school students and a lot of them are worried about where they will go after graduating! I just thought to myself.. If I have a good chance here, why not just keep trying for a few more years? If I went to Ireland, it would take an extra year of studying, and perhaps a few years of trying to come back to Canada anyways! So why not just use that extra time trying to get into a Canadian school and study for way cheaper in my own country? I think I have a good chance in Canada - for most people who have a good chance, it's just a matter of time before they get in..


That was how I made my decision. I'm glad I was able to get an interview this year. I am aware that the situation for IMGs is improving in Canada, and that there are a lot of successful doctors working in Canada that did not earn their degree in a Canadian school. But nevertheless, if you haven't already, I would suggest researching some of the Irish med school forums and see what some of the actual med school students there are saying..


That's my story, and I went this route because I like Canada a lot and would really prefer to stay here. There were people who disagreed with what I did and felt that I should have taken the Cork offer. Including my uncle who is a doctor from Australia, practicing in Richmond, BC. Wish you all the best.. and keep us posted on your decisions!


Hey Ruffryder,


Thanks for your post. Really informative and interesting. What a crazy tough decision though…I can totally say I know where you’re coming from. However, I went to the bank today and paid the deposit. It was intense and worrying but it’s done now!!! I really felt I did the right thing though.


I've looked into residency matching for the Irish medical graduates before applying and you're right...it's not a piece of cake. But the Atlantic bridge program (the North American office responsible for North American applicants to the Irish med schools) sent out a package to accepted applicants. In this, they claim that, and I quote, "Every year, 100% of the North American graduates who seek residencies in the USA readily obtain them." They then list residencies secured by their recent graduates; this list includes all residencies that I know of.


Now I'm sure it's not that simple and it's more complex than they make it sound, but I feel that at least they're giving me a chance. When I didn’t get accepted anywhere last year after being waitlisted I was so frustrated. I felt that Canadian schools aren't willing to invest in me, so I decided to look elsewhere and Ireland seemed the most reputable. But you’re totally right: BC is home for me and I love it soooo much. But pursuing medicine has been a passion of mine for the last 6-7 years and I feel that I have to choose between the two. It really sucks and I’m hoping that in a few weeks UBC will make this decision easier for me by giving me chance. I hope that you too have better luck this year ruffryder and that you’ll be thankful for the decision you made last year to decline UCC’s offer. Keep us posted.


All the best :)

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so....I guess this means you chickened out and didn't phone UBC?;)

It must have felt weird putting down 6000 dollars for something you may not even enroll in if UBC works out. Oh well...like you said, it is money well invested if you don't get into UBC this year. I'm sure if you were w/l last year, you'll have a great chance this year. Keep us posted!

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so....I guess this means you chickened out and didn't phone UBC?;)

It must have felt weird putting down 6000 dollars for something you may not even enroll in if UBC works out. Oh well...like you said, it is money well invested if you don't get into UBC this year. I'm sure if you were w/l last year, you'll have a great chance this year. Keep us posted!


Yeah...:D I totally did chicken out man. I did ask Dublin if I can postpone the payment and obviously they said no. Their reaction to my request is what turned me off from calling UBC. So we'll see where this goes. I'll keep you guys updated.

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Yeah...:D I totally did chicken out man. I did ask Dublin if I can postpone the payment and obviously they said no. Their reaction to my request is what turned me off from calling UBC. So we'll see where this goes. I'll keep you guys updated.

Tell you what: I'll call them and ask and if they will agree to it, and you can give me a cut of the $6000 you will save. :D

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