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Reference letters

Guest Chico

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Guest Ian Wong

1) Written by someone who knows you well, *likes* you, and thinks that you would make an excellent doctor.


2) Written in good English, with a professional presentation.


3) Includes lots of personal examples/anecdotes/observations to back up statements.


4) Submitted on time, and to all locations.


5) Written by the most highly reputed person who satisfies the above 4 criteria.


Also ensure that if a particular medical school asks for a letter from a specific type of person, (ie. a professor), that you actually get a professor to submit one of your letters. I'm sure there's more factors than the five above, but if you satisfied all five of them, I can't see how you can miss.



UBC, Med 3

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Lactic Folly

I noted that OMSAS recommends having one non-academic/character referee.. would it work ok if I have a letter from my professor that includes info on my non-academic activities?

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Guest aneliz

It doesn't really matter who you have write the references. If you have a prof that can also comment on your non-academic qualities, that is good! Shows that they really know you...


I personally used the following people:


1. A prof that I had worked closely with over two years

2. A volunteer supervisor that I had been working with for three years

3. The manager from my summer job (same job for three years)


I think that you should aim to show a different aspect of your life with each reference....if you have three different profs all commenting on your academic strengths and nobody that can talk about the rest of your life...that could be a problem....that said, go with Ian's criteria and you should be fine!

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Guest peachy

I agree with aneliz that it's what they write about, not who they are. I had three profs write my references, but they were all in positions to comment on non-academic stuff.


It didn't seem to hurt me at U of T, and if I don't get in to the other schools which I am waiting to find out about, I am certain it won't be because I had profs write my letters :)

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  • 4 months later...
Guest piglatinlover12



do the referee have to write a letter with the omsas form I print out? i told two of them they did, and they did so willingly. the third one questioned me on this, and that's why I am asking?



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