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Organic 8 credit hours


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Well I was worried about that because the university of Ottawa where I study decided to change all their course codes and their credit hours last year. I took chemistry 2 years ago and it was fine because they were 2x4 credits. After the change, I took physics and biology which were 2x 3 credits.

So I emailed one of the schools I'm interested in in the states (Wayne State) and they said to me that they go by semester and as long as the courses has labs it doesn't matter.

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Few med schools in US want 8 credit hour in organic (6 + 2Lab). How does it relate to Canadian Universities?


It didn't affect me. UofT doesn't use credit hours at all so all my courses were converted to either 3 or 6 credit hours (half yr/full yr) on my AMCAS application. When it came time to do the secondaries and some schools required either 4 or 8 credits, I just put it down as having the required 4 or 8 credits even though my AMCAS application said otherwise. I didn't encounter any problems doing it that way.

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