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To all Quebecers

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I didn't find the info, so I called the AMCAS line, where I was promptly told that all post secondary grades must be submitted and then the line was cut. Great service.

The major problem with this is that my grades are very average (70-84%) because I attended a very competitive CEGEP (college) but the conversion used in Quebec takes this fact into account. Hence they calculate your difference to the average of your class mixed in with the strength of the students attending the school and this gives me a pretty good score. However, this score is not taken into account anywhere outside of Quebec: only the raw grades count, and so this will drastically lower my GPA.

Any ideas anyone?

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They told me that I had to enter all the courses that were on the transcript and that they would all be used to calculate the GPA. I thought that they would only count credited courses, but it seems that they don't...

A solution that I thought could work would be to write them off as AP credits, and then you only enter the credited courses, cause they seriously won't make you enter all you high school stuff.

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