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Waitlist hope?

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A few years ago, after provisional acceptances became firm, you could call to ask about your waitlist position, and they would tell you if you were in the top 20ish.


+1, A friend of mine found out he was 2nd or 3rd two years ago near the end of the period and missed getting in by only 1 or 2 people. So it's possible to find out your exact position. When I applied last year, near the end I asked where I was on the list (late June), and they told me that I was in the lower half lol, so the details can vary i guess.

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that's true. My understanding was that was to match with some other schools. It kind of makes sense seeing that Queen's has gone reasonably deep through waitlists in the past. shrug. Good luck



Where was this info available? Does that mean the list is effectively 400 ppl long this year? What a joke to waste so many ppl's time. At least places like Ottawa that do this tell you when your at the bottom.

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That was told to me by a faculty member at the interview weekend. I should state that I honestly don't recall if this individual was INVOLVED in admissions beyond conducting interviews, a lot has happened since then, but it was pretty clear. Other Ontario schools have something similar, they just have a mechanism for identifying whetere or not there is a point.


As for how dumb that is, I agree. I spent a summer on a TO waitlist with NO indication of competitiveness or placement etc and it blows. A "good" and "bad" waitlist is one option, giving you your rank immediately (like NOSM) is another, and Queen's does have a history of letting you know where you stand (even if roughly) as the summer progresses. I think from the Schools' POV, have an overly large waitlist beats sending a letter that reads: "After reconsideration, we're offering you a place at our School, even thogh we sent you a PFO 2 months ago...please don't mind the dried egg on this offer of admission, that just slipped off of our face"

Is it a bit insensitive? Sure it is.

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But one would think that they could at least do some sort of statistical probabilistic analysis. I mean, given yearly fluctuations, it is exceptionally unlikely that they'll have to make 400 offers to fill 100 spots. It is basically out of the realm of possibility for students at the bottom of the list to be offered a spot and it seems unkind to keep everyone waiting with bated breath.


One would think that they could at least shorten the list by 200.


One would think.



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Indeed. Who knows, really? Once the first round of offers becomes firm, and the second round is issued and they know how many spots they have yet to fill, maybe they will also send out a notice to the bottom half or more of the waitlist saying "sorry, it's highly unlikely...etc etc" One would hope something like that is implemented since it IS more than a bit tough.


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