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Waitlist letter with bold font?

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nemo, you do not think bold text is significant? Why is that? To me, it signifies an emphasis on that they are retaining your application. Last year, they put in a sentence at the end of the first pargraph so students can guage where they are on the waitlist. If your letter contained the sentence, you had little hope of getting in off the waitlist (It was basically a rejection.).


I was wondering if this year, instead of including such a phrase, they added bold text to emphasize that they are indeed still considering your application. This to me means that you have decent chance of getting off the waitlist. Thus the reason as to why I asked my original question.


I could very well be wrong, but it my suspicions are correct, we on the waitlist would at least have an idea on what to do next. I.e. Wait for U of T or prepare for what we are going to be doing next, whether it is applying for the next cycle or deciding to pursue another career path, etc.


What would really help in getting to the answer behind the bold font in the waitlist letter would be if more people shared whether or not they received the bolded text or not. If everyone has the bold text then it is not significant, but would suggest U of T sent out rejections. Last year they set a precedent on telling people if they had a little chance of getting in off the waitlist and I personally do not see them changing that.


Your thought regarding this discussion will be greatly appreciated. I am curious in knowing what others think regarding the bolded font issue.

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I have the bold font too ...


I am beginning to think that in spite of what the letter may have stated,


The Faculty of Medicine has sent offers of admission to some applicants and refusal letters to others.


the refusal letters may be those that were sent to applicants pre-interview ???


I hope that I am wrong, but I have to admit that it is quite odd (and unlikely) that no post-interview rejection posts have been made.

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