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Just got the news...

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has anyone had their status change since the offers started coming out? i'm wondering if they are doing it in waves or if they did it all at once in the morning. not having a change is making me anxious..


No change for me either. This is a bit strange how they are doing it in waves rather than all at once.

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Just got my "regrets" posted. Tough to deal with, thought I had a shot this year after being wailisted last year (and marks went up).


Regret too. Surprise surprise after the worst interview in human history.

It's incredibly amusing how in this application cycle I've gotten in my reaches and screwed over my matches and safeties.

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I was offered a position at NMP, my first choice. It was my second time applying after a 10 year absense from undergrad which I did at UBC as well. I guess my days of being a chiropractor are numbered.


To those who recieved regrets, hang in there. Don't give up! I didn't apply after undergrad because I didn't feel worthy of medicine. Don't let others tell you what you can't do, i unfortunately did. It has taken ten years to get to a place I always knew I wanted. At 32, I have a chance to experience my dream.


I hope this wasn't too sappy.



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congrats to all, whether you get in or not. hopefully it was a great learning experience. I remember it was a year of serious soul-searching and ... emotional roller coaster rides. Hang in there.


Shaka: there are quite a few chiropractors at ubc med school, in various years. You'll have great companies :)

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Shaka you are just a young punk, I remember how it felt to be 32, I could cave for days on end without any aching joints.


I'll be joining you in PG; I just checked and was accepted to the NMP. I'm 35. Ancient :D


I'm also on the waitlist at Calgary and if I get in there I may jump ship. You guys on the UBC waitlist can root for me on the Calgary waitlist.


Congrats to all the ohter acceptees and good luck to the waitlistees.

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