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condos in Toronto - waterfront vs. bay

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Waterfront condos (e.g. 12 yonge) rent/sell for slightly cheaper than the Bay St. condos. For any med students out there, is the commute from Waterfront to MSB significantly longer? Is it reasonable to take the TTC from Union station every morning, or is paying more for a Bay St. condo more worthwhile?

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If you are renting another area to consider is the Annex, around Bloor and Spadina. It's still a pretty short walk to campus (15 min) and I think it's a way nicer area, with things like grass and trees! It's a lot cheaper as well.

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Waterfront condos (e.g. 12 yonge) rent/sell for slightly cheaper than the Bay St. condos. For any med students out there, is the commute from Waterfront to MSB significantly longer? Is it reasonable to take the TTC from Union station every morning, or is paying more for a Bay St. condo more worthwhile?
I think it's a personal choice that depends on a lot of factors ... one isn't definitively better than the other. I like living on Bay. A few reasons are that I'm not at all a morning person, and for 8:00 classes I wanted to live as close as possible, that I often walk home pretty late and like the fact that I'm not walking alone at night very far, that I like being close to a 24-hour Dominion and Shopper's, that I like being right on the subway line, that I like being able to go home for lunch, that I find an extra five minutes to be a long time in the dead of winter, etc.
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