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I hope the list moves today (well I hope MORE that I hear today). My life has become hell, checking the boards constantly at work. UWO was my only interview, and while I'm confident I'll be reapplying, to have some closure (one way or another) sure would be nice.


I set up my answering machine so I can call in from work and check my messages.

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I hope the list moves today (well I hope MORE that I hear today). My life has become hell, checking the boards constantly at work. UWO was my only interview, and while I'm confident I'll be reapplying, to have some closure (one way or another) sure would be nice.


I set up my answering machine so I can call in from work and check my messages.


I feel your pain, this wait is killer. Out of curiosity are you a SWOMEN applicant? I am just basing this on your not getting an interview at Queen's. Best of luck to you and hopefully we will both be hearing good news soon.

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Hey, yeah lets hope we get some good luck.


I'm non-SWOMEN. I'm non-Ontario.


Actually, my GPA at the beginning of this year was 3.64 cumulative. I had one year at 3.70 exactly, and a 32Q (11BS, 11VR, 10PS), so I just skidded in over the cutoffs. Because of this, and my feelings of an okay interview, I assume that I will be reapplying. As you can see, my overall GPA and my last two year GPA was below Queen's cutoffs. It has gone up to 3.67 now, so unless Queen's cutoffs go down (I don't think that's very likely, but who knows), I won't be getting a Queen's offer next year either.


But I did get a 3.77 this year, so I got my second year above 3.7 for UWO!

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hahhaha seeing all the updates to this thread stops my heart each time... then i find it's just ppl like me who are obsessing about when the waitlist will start to move... maybe UWO will send us all an email telling us that they're gonna begin moving ppl off the waitlist... I really like how they tell us what they're going to do before they do it... well at least they have several times during this cycle... :P


good luck to all!

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hahhaha seeing all the updates to this thread stops my heart each time... then i find it's just ppl like me who are obsessing about when the waitlist will start to move... maybe UWO will send us all an email telling us that they're gonna begin moving ppl off the waitlist... I really like how they tell us what they're going to do before they do it...


haha, so true! "you will receive an email tomorrow about the email that you will receive on wednesday that will provide further information on how to sign up for the email with actual information..."


good luck to those of you waiting! good news will arrive soon i'm sure.

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hahahaha i was worried that someone might misunderstand that... i'm just joking... i realize sarcasm doesn't come across very effectively in writing :P i appologize for any nausea, heartburn or indigestion my post may have caused anyone :D

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hahaha actually I realized that it might shock people right after I posted on the thread, (because seeing updated to this thread always gives me that feeling as well) then thought to edit it and appologize again... but i figured the edit would make it show up as something new again, and continue the vicious cycle...

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