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Application Question - Transcript

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No sure if this has been asked before. I am submitting my primary application next week and I am just getting all the forms I need to get a transcript sent from my university to AMCAS. I am taking a summer course right now and I won't get the mark for it till July (if I want that mark to be included in the GPA calculation - I think it has to be because it's one of the science prerequisites) do I have to wait and send my transcript when I get my mark, or can I send a second transcrip...not sure how it works. I just don't want to wait too long to send in my information because I know it takes weeks for AMCAS to varify it. So do I send an incomplete transcript, or wait for my mark and send it then? :P

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Well, you can't send a second transcript to AMCAS - once it's verified, it's verified and you can't add anything new. You can, however, send this second transcript to schools individually if you want to, but that means paying for 10-20 transcript requests.



However, it's not required to wait until all your pre-req grades are ready. If you think you're gonna get a good grade that will positively affect your GPA, you can wait, but not having one out of 12 pre-reqs is not really going to hurt you, either.

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No sure if this has been asked before. I am submitting my primary application next week and I am just getting all the forms I need to get a transcript sent from my university to AMCAS. I am taking a summer course right now and I won't get the mark for it till July (if I want that mark to be included in the GPA calculation - I think it has to be because it's one of the science prerequisites) do I have to wait and send my transcript when I get my mark, or can I send a second transcrip...not sure how it works. I just don't want to wait too long to send in my information because I know it takes weeks for AMCAS to varify it. So do I send an incomplete transcript, or wait for my mark and send it then? :P


Prereqs DO NOT have to be completed when you submit your application. Prereqs should be completed BEFORE you start medical school not before you submit your application.


The only reason I think you should wait is if you know you're going to ace the course and get an awesome mark that would significantly increase your GPA. Otherwise, I'd submit now.

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thanks for the advice guys...decisions decisions...I am doing well in the course so far and I think it will definitely bring up my science GPA (trying to counter the B I got in Orgo) but I don't know if it's really worth waiting until July for the one mark..........

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another question I've been meaning to ask. I know it's been discussed before but I can't seem to find it anywhere. What courses are counted towards the science GPA?


Any coursework listed under Bio, Chem, Math or Physics departments....a more detailed list is in the PDF guide to AMCAS on the aamc website.

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So, I think this is a dumb question....


But do you guys mean I should call my university and have them send a transcript to AMCAS....NOW? Even if I'm submitting my app a little later (end of the week)?


Doesnt AMCAS order the transcript from the university themself?

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No, you have to order it. Don't forget to attach the official AMCAS transcript request form. They are not going to start verifying your app until all the transcripts are in, and that can often take 2 weeks.


Thanks for the reply Jochi....So do you mean I have to call UOttawa myself and tell them to mail it to AMCAS? (wheres their address?)


Or is this an electronic process. Damn, I think I should have made sure of this earlier.

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never mind-- I checked it out on the AMCAS application and printed out a transcript request form. Oh damn I shoulda remembered that before.


I called an agent and he said it takes ~3-5 days to get there, but several days to process. Man, i hope theres a next day express post or something.


The agent said its not late at all.... but I'm freaking out!!!! :eek: :eek:

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