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NB seats

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Hey everyone


I have been doing some newspaper reading in NB. seems that NB funds 20 seats at dal for NB studetns. I was always told that the number was 30? Well at least that's how many students they have been having on average the last few years... Can anyone confirm/disprove my suspicions of the politics in NB once again getting in the way of the truth and the better interests of NBers (and not publishing that the new med school will result in less NB med seats)?




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I'm not sure where you got your information Josh...but at least for the past few years, it has only been 20 seats. Until recently, this was a "target" only...in other words - if there were 23 great NB applicants, there would be 23 NB acceptances and likewise, if there were only 18 NB applicants who were the tops...there would only be 18 accepted. The NB government recently started pushing for it to be a guaranteed 20 seats, which perhaps is why there has been 3 separate provincial waiting lists instead of just 1 Maritime waiting list for the past 2 years.


Perhaps the "30 seats" information included seats funded at both Dalhousie and MUN?

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My apologies,


Thanks for correcting me. I thought the numbers were always 30 at dal (give or take, as they were not dedicated seats) + 10 at mun. I guess i've just been misinformed over the years.


Tak'er easy,


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