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writing sample prompt


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Hi everyone

I am having a hard time coming up with examples for this prompt.

I usually start with the determining factor and then think about examples. for this one, i could think that if that if the group is working towards a common goal, then progress is attainable through delibrations of that group. However, if the individual is working towards being successful himself, then creative thinking will bring about progress. Hope that makes sense..Any comments would be appreciated.

"Progress seldom comes from the deliberations of a group. Rather, progress most often comes from the creative thinking of individuals working alone."

Thanks :)

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What about social progress versus technological progress? You could argue that when it comes to social progress, particularily global issues where you need the leaders from difference countries to meet to address the issues (global warming, free trade, human rights) then you need group deliberations to make progress (not much progress for humanity in general if it only occurs in one country and not elsewhere). But for technological progress, then it is often indivuduals coming up with solutions or products to help us progress. Examples could be any inventors. Hope that helps.

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Could you also say the determining factor is whether people in the group have common goals?


I am having trouble w/ this prompt:

"The public's right to information should override the government's need for security"


It's easy to think of a counter, i.e. if there's a bomb in the hospital, you're not going to let the public know and cause massive chaos = more death. So I thought safety could be a determining factor. But I can't think of why the prompt should be correct...I was thinking along the lines of financial security, but I can't think of a good example. Anyone else have ideas? Thanks.

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OKay how about this...


For the thesis, talk about individual actions in the civil rights movememnt... define progress...


For the antithesis, talk about group actions in the civil rights movement...


Synthesis... When faced with difficult tasks that really cause society to progress, it is normally a few individuals who stand out and make a difference. Their actions in and of themselves constitute progress. To make this progress widespread, however, individuals must cooperate together. This cooperation would not occur if not for the initial actions for a select few. Groups will not always suddenly congregate unless they see other people making a difference.


meh, best I could think of in 5 minutes

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"The public's right to information should override the government's need for security"



terms you should define: public, information, and security


in support of:

the governing union executive members are obliged to tell its union members the information details that occured in the recent meeting to better worker's workplace quality. The union members should be given the information regardless of the failed attempts of the union executive members who due to the failure are worried about the security of their positions as union executives.



too much bitter reality can not be flushed down the throats of the public as that may cause chaos among the citizens. Information hidden can promote growth. Example: A country suffering from a natural disaster would be better off hiding the number of casualties to remove further shock to the society.

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Thanks..yaa medhopeful- makes sense..

Law- that was good if u came up with it in 5 minutes:)


I find its helpful to look at random prompts and give yourself 5-7 minutes to plan. Don't give yourself more because you won't get more on the real day. :D

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"The public's right to information should override the government's need for security"



terms you should define: public, information, and security


in support of:

the governing union executive members are obliged to tell its union members the information details that occured in the recent meeting to better worker's workplace quality. The union members should be given the information regardless of the failed attempts of the union executive members who due to the failure are worried about the security of their positions as union executives.



too much bitter reality can not be flushed down the throats of the public as that may cause chaos among the citizens. Information hidden can promote growth. Example: A country suffering from a natural disaster would be better off hiding the number of casualties to remove further shock to the society.


Wow that's really good, thanks;)

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