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question about prerequisites (bio and english)

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Many US schools seem to require a biology with a lab component

My school has general biology divided up into 2 half year courses, one of which has a lab component. Otherwise it is impossible to have a general biology course with a lab component...would courses like microbiology with lab components count? If it does, will I be able to take a 1/2 general bio course and combine it with a microbio course to get my full credit?


My second question is, although many schools require english, a previous poster in these forums has mentioned that it could be substituted by a philosophy/essay writing course? is this sometimes true/never true/universally true?

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Many US schools seem to require a biology with a lab component

My school has general biology divided up into 2 half year courses, one of which has a lab component. Otherwise it is impossible to have a general biology course with a lab component...would courses like microbiology with lab components count? If it does, will I be able to take a 1/2 general bio course and combine it with a microbio course to get my full credit?


My second question is, although many schools require english, a previous poster in these forums has mentioned that it could be substituted by a philosophy/essay writing course? is this sometimes true/never true/universally true?


I can answer your 2nd question. It really depends on the university and how the requirements are described. Some places want humanities in general (ie: philosophy, history, english, classics, etc), and some places specifically want social sciences (ie: political science, sociology, economics). However, some will want english literature specifically, and others may want sociology/psych/econ. It depends on the school and the requirements they have described. Like many a times has been said, the best way to know is to check each schools website for more information.

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for the 1st question, look at the 87 page pdf guide on the amcas application page. they have a list of what counts as biology, and what counts as health sciences. If I remember correctly, it should count as bio, so you would be fine, but double check.

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