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Year 1/2 - Things you practice

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Sorry I'm not a med student but maybe you all can help me calm down a friend of mine who is!


She is starting first year at UBC coming up and the thing she is most worried about is not the work or exams or anything like that but she is worried about having to practice things on each other. She is really self-conscious about her body and is really freaked out about having other students practice procedures on her (my cousin is a nurse and she says the most you'd practice is an ECG or a simple head2toe exam?). Anyway, I've tried everything to calm her down about this but can somebody tell me exactly what she should expect? I keep telling her it's not like you have to take your shirt off in lecture! She went to SFU and wouldn't take a required kinesiology course cuz she had to do like skin-fold measurements and things...


I'm not a med student (I'm doing my MBA). To think about it though, I dont' take my shirt off in public since I'm a super self-conscious about my body hair (no so much that I'm a little portly too) so I kinda understand where she's coming from.


Sorry for intruding on your message board but any advice for her would be appreciated. My cousin and I have tried everything but she's just really worried about this. Don't want her to start med school worrying about something like that...she should be worried about killing patients...


ps she doesn't read these message boards so don't worry

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At UBC there is a policy that no student will be required to act as a volunteer for clinical exam skills. Very rarely has anyone taken their shirt off during a practice outside class time, and it never happened during the clinical skills sessions. There are volunteer patients for this.

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Your apology for "intruding" on our message board is accepted. Just make sure it doesn't happen again. (I'm only kidding!)


The UBC Faculty of Medicine Policy on Student on Student Examinations, published in every faculty-prepared handout for the Clinical Skills course, is as follows:


- On occasion, students will be offered the opportunity to examine one another (for example: head & neck, extremity and blood pressure assessments.)

- This experience is always voluntary and any student can choose to opt out at any time with no reprecussions on his/her evaluation.

- No student will be asked to participate in torso examinations (chest / abdomen), or in any sensitive examinations (breast, genitalia, rectal).


How things have changed from past years, when medical students even learned rectal exams on each other! http://www.slate.com/id/2169480/




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Thank you so much - all of you - for your replies and advice. I'm the info on the new school policies will go over well. I totally understand when you say that if you perform a procedure on someone else you sorta feel obligated to let them try on you. I guess that will not be the case at UBC.


Now, being an MBA student and not a med student, what kinda things do you actually get to practice on other people (hired help or otherwise)? That also brings me to the question, how exactly do you go about obtaining a position as a guinea pig volunteer???

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