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so i f@$#ed up first year, now what?

Guest Dr3ni

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Guest Dr3ni

when i mean i did bad im talking about almost on probation. i know that i could pull a 3.6+ next year, since i wont be in the same circumstances. but, besides that i was wondering how would this horrible first year effect me.



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Guest peachy

Imho, the best thing you can do right now is forget about medical school. Put all your energies into figuring out why you got poor grades this year and how to improve them, then get great grades next year. Once you've done that, start worrying about the specifics of applying.

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Guest PreyOnWords

If you want medical school that bad you will have to do all those courses over again at a higher level and do Better. Some universities will wipe a year (or two) off your transcript, but prerequisites are exempt from this. Most prerequisiites are done in the first year.

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Guest scooter


Don't stress too much. Look now into the schools you can apply to within your province. That will let you knwo which schools drop all your first years grades and which don't . Also you mentioned "issues" so that means you can get really good grades for the next 3 or 4 years and then when they look at your 1st year grades they will realize it is a just a fluke and move on...

DOn't worry, loook into the schools and pre-requisits and give them a call over the summer or what not when they are a little less busy and discuss it with them.

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Guest Talon01



I bombed first year pretty hard too. Some schools (if you do a full 4 year degree) don't even look at your first year marks (Ottawa, Western, Queens to name a few). Focus on what went wrong and how you're going to fix that for next year.


Good luck1

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Guest acarpent1





Lots of people bomb first year.. and some schools weight accordingly.. NOSM doesn't even look at your first year, Ottawa weights year 1x1, year 2x2, year 3x3 etc..


Don't stress, and don't feel like you've screwed up your life.. I also wouldn't Re-take the courses.. regardless of whether you re-take them or not, the "bad" marks will still be on your record, so I'd say, push forward, make sure you're doing a degree that you love (or at least like.. and for mine (biomed at guelph), the first year SUCKED, but the program got awesome AFTER first year. And figure out how you can ACE the next few years.. It'll take some work and maybe some sacrifice (or at least some good time management), but maybe this was just the "scare" you needed to get on track.. it doesn't mean you're not smart enough, or you have blown it.. just do the BEST you can in the next few years, and take part in some activities that YOU LOVE, & you will likely be just fine! (Good luck!)

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Guest marxkarkis

but really its true....

focus on the positive.

theres so much that can go wrong in anyones life, but it doesnt help to stress on it.

organic chem is fascinating. if you dont manage to feel the love for it, try getting a tutor. see what you can do. if you cant manage to get org.chem, or biochem, or med skool, dont stress too much about it! theres a whole world out there and lots of ways to earn a living / help others / stay challenged / whatever you like. come up with some contingency plans you'll feel good about, ones that when you get into med skool you'll be like, "dam, now i cant do that til i retire"

i dont mean to make light of your worries, but stress can have a strong negative effect on performance. try to find ways to channel it into something positive that works for you.

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