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okay, so i'm taking this thing again now, in five weeks...thinking this was going to be easier because i spent all springtime working hard for the first time i wrote this. PS was my weakest point, so i'm focusing on that...


and it's like i have a brain block! seriously, i read the chapters, feel like i know it, do some practice problems, and suddenly can't remember any formulas, read properly, think, etc. i took physics *and* chemistry this past year and excelled in these courses...and now i'm panicked completely.


any suggestions?!?!?



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have you given the Audio Osmosis a try? They have some neat 'tips' and tricks that can save you some time.


With physics and chemistry, i find that the more solid understanding i have of the 'very basics' the better I do. Each question typically refers to a specific concept.


Try using the web, as I've found that certain websites have different images and presentation format that can aid in your understanding.


One quick question: if you could, would you be able to state the basic facts to someone without looking at a reference material?

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