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Who can we use for LORs?

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Hey guys


I just got my first secondary application for NYMC. I was wondering if we can use a T.A. for one of the LORs? I never really got the chance to talk to most of my science profs because it was the TAs that would teach us during labs or it was with them that I would have direct contact and plus the classes were enormous at my uni. Do you think that would be okay?

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I would not use my TAs. Even for a scholarship application, my supervisor told me not to use my TAs (I was also in the same boat as you at the time). All you need to do is ask your TA if they would be a good reference for you...then go to a professor in the dept whose class you've taken and ask them for a reference. Give the professor your resume/transcript with a letter saying what the application is for and say that so-and-so TA is willing to speak highly of you. The professor I ended up asking was very willing to write me a letter. Good luck!


Also ask around which professor writes good LORs before approaching one :)

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You should check the school's website for the LORs requirenments. They usually specify that it has to be a professor who has taught you a science class, so I don't think they'll accept a letter from a TA. But the best way to know if you are still unsure is for you to e-mail the school and find out for sure.

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dont use a TA for US schools.


each school has specific requirements on the referees they want. they are usually all professors, one from a science dept that has taught you and one from non-science dept that has taught you -- this is usually the baseline requirement from most schools. additional letters are generally preferred to be from professors.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone know if we can use an INSTRUCTOR for a reference letter not a professor? I need one more science LOR and many of the profs at my school wont write me one. Just wondering if its okay if its an instructor who taught the class but who may not be a professor yet?

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