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Weekly schedules...

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Just a question for upper years...

In first year is it 8am-5pm every single day?

Are there any classes/afternoons that don't go right to 5pm?

I'm trying to work a small part-time job that wants me to start at 5pm so I'm wondering what days have a larger chance of being done earlier...

thanks :)

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An incoming second year student may be better able to comment on the schedule, but my recollection is that most days during Structure and Function go until 5 pm, especially until November when the anatomy dissections occur. Things get a bit lighter after that.


Some possible exceptions that I can think of is DOCH on Tuesday afternoons, which may not go until 5, or last part of which may be skipped. There are some community visits that could go past 5 in the afternoons, but these start later in the term.


The other day that may end early is Friday.


If you don't have to make a decision yet, you should wait until the schedule is given out, which should be during orientation week. I'm not sure if you have access to it yet, but Blackboard or MedSIS may give you some information about the previous year's schedule.


Good luck with your first year.

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