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Are verifiers always contacted?

Guest hringrose

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Guest hringrose


I am having similar problems as others on this board- many of my verifiers have moved on to other positions in life and my contact information is outdated in some cases. Some of my best contacts have passed away. I would like to know how often verifiers are contacted- it seems like, from the people I know, that it is not common. What about references? My father wrote a reference for someone applying to med school, but was never contacted. Also, none of my references have ever been contacted despite my having used them on numerous (successful) scholarship and bursary applications.


This will help me decide how hard I should look for verifiers- or if I should just use old contact information (if the ad coms are just looking for an address).





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I can only speak from my experience. None of my verifers or references were contacted, as far as I know. I suppose references would be more likely to be contacted than verifiers, unless the admissions people have particular questions or suspicions. I've also heard about schools may do random spot checks on verifiers, but don't know if this is true.

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