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Laptop Computer: Necessary? Beneficial?

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Hello everyone!


I’m starting medicine at Queen’s in two weeks, and would like to ask your opinions about whether or not I should purchase a laptop computer. From what I’ve read, it seems that Queen’s distributes class materials electronically, but I am not yet able to access MedTech and so cannot estimate how computer-centric the curriculum really is.


I already own a (functional but not fancy) desktop computer. Should I purchase a laptop? Is a laptop necessary for use in class or PBL sessions? If not necessary, are there any distinct advantages to owning one? For those who have used laptops in previous years, perhaps you could provide some specifics for how you’ve used them, and how they’ve been helpful to you.


Thanks so much! I look forward to meeting all of you in the next few weeks!

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Hi there! I'm going into 3rd year and have had a PowerBook for the past two years at Queen's, along with a PC desktop at home. Although I love my laptop, I must admit that it isn't necessary for going to classes. Queen's distributes materials electronically in an attempt to cut down on the massive amount of paper used for notes. You'll find very few profs handing out packets of notes before class. Most will post a Powerpoint version of their notes at least the night before (though some will post them after to "encourage" you to come to class, which I find infinitely annoying). From what I've seen in my class, people will generally do one of two things:


  1. print out the slides in a more compact format and take notes on them during class
  2. use something like One Note or Powerpoint itself to make notes electronically associated with the slides, with some people studying their notes almost solely from an electronic version


I don't normally use my laptop for notes, as I prefer to print them out and write on them. For me, the exception would be in anatomy, where there were new words coming at me a mile a minute. Since there is wireless access in Botterell Hall, I tended to use my laptop for looking up something a prof has mentioned that I didn't understand completely, checking my email, entertaining myself during pharmacology lectures, etc. I also found it useful to have on campus to write up my own notes after class or to bring to group sessions, whether to make a presentation or to look up random things. However, there are a number of computers in the library at Botterell. Unless things have massively changed, you can survive easily (and perhaps be a little more attentive than me) without a laptop. But if that LOC is burning a hole in your pocket and you want to buy a pretty new laptop, you'll be able to put it to good use.

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  • 10 months later...

I'm debating the same question as the above poster was. I had settled on not taking a laptop/tablet to class, and instead printing my notes out the night before class. However, now I'm re-thinking my decision.


Are copies of the notes that are distributed available anywhere other than on MEdTech? (I have my NetID, QCARD and e-mail accounts set up and working; however, the MEdTech accounts don't seem to be activated yet. Based on posts from others, it seems as though we will have to wait until the end of August for MEdTech access.) If the notes aren't available, would someone be willing to e-mail me a few samples?


Thanks for your help.


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If the notes aren't available, would someone be willing to e-mail me a few samples?



There really isn't a typical set of notes that you would give you an idea of what to expect. Sometimes we're given ~100 slides in .ppt format for an hour lecture, other times 20 slides as a .pdf.


Consider what type of system you like to use for organization and later studying. If you can't study off an e-copy of your notes, there isn't much point in using a computer in lecture.


There isn't really any hurry to make the decision though. I'd suggest waiting until September when you've been to a few lectures and see for yourself :cool:

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