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General interview speculation

Guest try2dstress

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Guest try2dstress

I've been thinking a lot about how my interviews went so far and am constantly evaluating myself on my performance. Mostly because I like to torture myslef :b and also because it helps with thesis writing avoidance. I thought I'd share with you how I think things went. I'm curious to see how my predictions correlate with acceptance/waitlist/rejection (please at least one acceptance!!). Here goes, interviews from best to worst according to my perception:


1. Calgary. My best interview. I think the MMI style really suited my personality, allowed me to show my best at all (except for one) of the 10 stations, and most of all I was really relaxed for this and I think the interviewers appreciated this. I was the most 'myself' at this interview and hopefully (?) this will pay off.


2. Western. Interview panel was *really* nice and made me feel comfortable. I was honest and sincere with all of my answers and I think that showed through. The interviewers seemed to actually respond to what I had to say, whether this is good or bad at least they were listening! I babbled at some points. I'm kind of unsure about this one, I feel like I made a connection with the interviewers but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.


3. Queen's. This was by far my worst interview. The panel was very nice but remained expressionless during most of my answers. I did manage to get them to laugh at one point which seemed like a good sign. But generally I feel that my answers lacked substance and I feel like I may have given the impression of being flaky. This was my first panel interview and I was VERY nervous, which probably contributed to what I think was my poorest performance.


Still waiting to interview at UofT. I have that one on Saturday and I'm hoping it'll be my best. It's also my first choice though so I think nerves will definitley come into play. My startegy is going to be slightly different for this one. I'm still going to be myself and genuine, but I think I'm going to portray a little more seriousness in some of my answers (I feel like I was flippant at times for Queen's which likely wasn't received well) and I will take a little more time to pause and reflect before answering questions so I can be concise with my answers and hopefully avoid abbling. I really want to appear polished for this one.


Feel free to post your own speculations!! I'm curious to know how perceptions differ.

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