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How much CRU would a "C" give?

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Comme AMmd a dit, un note d'un cours ne donne pas de CRU. C'est la moyenne qui est pris en compte dans le calcul, contrairement aux cote R du CEGEP.

Si tu parles d'une moyenne générale de C (2.0), alors en sciences bio (force de groupe relativement faible car non contingenté) ca doit donner une CRU dans les 24-26...et meme moins.

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Cicero, if I can just give you an advice, stop worrying about your CRU. Unless you finally get your acceptance letter, you'll never be satisfied (i'm sure you know that). Just apply and wait for their decision. I know that it's hard to accept, but you sadly have no control on the selection process... and you'll get crazy if you continue to worry like that! I take the liberty to tell you something like that because I was exactly where you are last year, and it did me no good to go crazy about trying to get my eventual CRU...


About your C : it's not that bad, I had a C- in one of my math classes, and I was accepted after... If you have real good grades for the rest of your program, your C will be "diluted" and it won't affect your CRU by much. The only thing I can tell you is that you can be accepted, even with a C-.


But, as I told you earlier, even if getting into med school is REALLY important to you, it's no use to worry that much. Just do your best at school, don't stop having fun, do some volunteer work and apply when it's time.

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Cicero, if I can just give you an advice, stop worrying about your CRU. Unless you finally get your acceptance letter, you'll never be satisfied (i'm sure you know that). Just apply and wait for their decision. I know that it's hard to accept, but you sadly have no control on the selection process... and you'll get crazy if you continue to worry like that! I take the liberty to tell you something like that because I was exactly where you are last year, and it did me no good to go crazy about trying to get my eventual CRU...


About your C : it's not that bad, I had a C- in one of my math classes, and I was accepted after... If you have real good grades for the rest of your program, your C will be "diluted" and it won't affect your CRU by much. The only thing I can tell you is that you can be accepted, even with a C-.


But, as I told you earlier, even if getting into med school is REALLY important to you, it's no use to worry that much. Just do your best at school, don't stop having fun, do some volunteer work and apply when it's time.

Thanks alot for your help dude it really brings my hopes up! This CRU thing is driving me crazy and I hate university because of that, they should calculated it every semester like in college, at least like that you sleep at night. Anyways a couple of months until the verdict, well see....
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