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Queen's AMCAS GPA conversion


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seems to be unknown at this point. I know someone who attests to the scale posted by sony, but KennethToronto is disputing that and suggesting it is the scale you just posted. I have a few friends who are applying and I will get back to you when they figure it out, but you should apply and find out for yourself!

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I go to Queen's, and for my AMCAS application I just put A's and B's for the courses, and they changed the marks to 4.0 for every A I have and 3.0 for every B (since Queen's doesn't give out -/+, you should just go ahead and put in the letter grades you see on your transcript).


4.0 = A = 80+

3.0 = B = 70+


I am 110% positive about this :P

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I go to Queen's, and for my AMCAS application I just put A's and B's for the courses, and they changed the marks to 4.0 for every A I have and 3.0 for every B (since Queen's doesn't give out -/+, you should just go ahead and put in the letter grades you see on your transcript).


4.0 = A = 80+

3.0 = B = 70+


I am 110% positive about this :P


Wow, I might be calling AMCAS about this soon haha.

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soTAN, you calculated ur gpa according to those percentages and it worked out? Where did you get those numbers from?


When I was filling out my AMCAS application I put letter grades (from my transcript) for every course. AMCAS then changed them to GPA. For every A I had I got 4.0 and for every B I had I got 3.0. Hope that answers your question. PM me if you need clarification, etc. :D

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OH THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE NOW, kennethtoronto thats what i was trying to say, you said that your transcript had flat out only %, but I have % AND a letter, A,B,C,F (no +/-) so maybe thats why you were forced to use the scale that you posted. I think that's unfair tho, Queen's Eng is pretty hard


I'm not sure how you did it, but you managed to confuse kennethtoronto with myself.

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nope i didn't, he said that he had flat out %'s on his transcript and no letter grades in another thread (i believe it was competitive stats) and so it would make sense if he was in eng and had to use the 87-100 = 4.0 scale that AMCAS had officially posted up.


I know ken personally and he's not in engineering, he was in biochem, so he does have letters. :)

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Ok, I have both letters and percentages on my transcript. I decided to enter the percentages rather than letters, expecting AMCAS would use the same conversion (sounds logical doesn't it?)


Well, now apparently AMCAS has dropped the ball. I'm still trying to figure what to do about this...but it'll most likely be nothing because I'm arleady verified and complete at all my schools.

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Ok, I have both letters and percentages on my transcript. I decided to enter the percentages rather than letters, expecting AMCAS would use the same conversion (sounds logical doesn't it?)


Well, now apparently AMCAS has dropped the ball. I'm still trying to figure what to do about this...but it'll most likely be nothing because I'm arleady verified and complete at all my schools.


I had two friends apply through AMCAS before I did...one used letters and got the same conversion I did (A = 4.0, etc), and the other one used percentages and got that different conversion...go figure...AMCAS is doing it's own thing all the time.

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kenneth, wouldnt AMCAS eventually look over what you did and realize that you should have put the letter grades in and correct it anywayz?


Unless you put in an official request, they are most likely (knowing AMCAS and having experienced similar issues with them :P) will not do anything by themselves. If you want to get letter grades in there, you should definitely contact them and explain the situation.

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