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anyone interview already?

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Hey Kenneth, I'm not really active on this forum, but I've had 3 interviews in the States so far. I was asked at two of them why I was even applying to the US in addition to they why this school questions, so do make sure you have a response ready. My advice would be to not say anything along the lines of how competitive it is in Canada and so you're applying to the States, as that just makes you seem like a reject who can't get in elsewhere (although I know full well how impossible it can be up here).

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i was asked point blank (the 2nd question i think) ... "so I don't get it, why don't you just apply to canadian schools?"


It took me by surprise and I did mention how competitive canadian schools are (I also threw in some BS about opportunities in US vs Canada)... I dont think it makes you look like a loser if you spin it the right way.


a prof i spoke to afterward (wish we could have discussed it before!) proposed this answer which I think is perfect!

"Becoming a doctor is something I'm determined to do and I wanted to maximize my chances of acceptance. Therefore, given the competitiveness of the application process, I have researched programs in both Canada and the United States and (enter school name here) is at the top of my list."

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i go to a US undergrad college, so that question never came up for me -- perhaps that means that i have been americanized thoroughly enough. most of my interviewers have just looked amused to find out that i was canadian... mostly, i brought it up during the interview myself (e.g. for questions like *tell me about yourself* or *why not apply to UCSF*).

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