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.txt Format

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I have already submitted my application, and I recently visited the admissions site to find the following warning:


"Application Essays: Please note that before you copy your essays into the online application, you must remember to save it as a .txt file. If you save it as a .doc file, certain characters get converted incorrectly and therefore may not read properly."


I am not amazing with computers. Therefore, I did not save my essays as .txt files, since I do not know how to do this. My essays were typed up in Word and copy/pasted onto the online application. Will this truly effect how they present on the online application? I did not underline, italicize nor use the bold function.


Any help is appreciated.

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There could be some things that don't get changed properly, such as quotation marks and apostrophes. Also, if you used tabs for the beginning of your paragraphs they may not get transferred properly. And the general layout may be different as the default font in word is usually Times New Roman and the font in .txt files is courier. This changes the size of your essays as well so if you made them exactly 1 page than they will most likely be longer when they go to print the txt version. And sometimes there are weird 'hard returns' which is just a new line character or what you get when you press 'enter'.


I don't know if you can change it after you've already submitted but if you want to go save it in .txt format when you are in word you can go to file->save as... and then there should be a field that you can change at the bottom that says format and you select the one that saves it as .txt or text only.


Good luck!

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