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I think you have to take into account the fact that Canadians who are applying to American medical schools are a unique pool of applicants. While many are competitive (going for the top tiers), I think there is a larger proportion of less competitive applicants who couldn't make the cut in Canada.

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What I'm more interested in knowing (and have found very little discussion) is what most people are thinking of doing AFTER completing four years at a US Med school.


I know there's an excellent post by Ian regarding OPT/H1B visas. But, the H1B visa is only six years and it appears every year, more H1B visa applications are made than there are available (esp. from IT firms). I know some fields have no quotas, but is a medical residency is one of those?


Moreover, for those in the know: how exactly will a H1B be parlayed into a PR/Greencard in the US?


It seems like an awfully long time into the future, but it would be foolhardy to jump into massive debt (assuming one even has the means to), and then find out four years later you can't match into a US residency.

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