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blood on soap help!

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So during the DAT on saturday i cut my finger and well my soap ended up getting pretty bloody as a result. Do they dock marks for that? Because technically there is nothing about that in the marking rubric, and they also state that any sort of markings on the soap will not be considered in the final marking.

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So during the DAT on saturday i cut my finger and well my soap ended up getting pretty bloody as a result. Do they dock marks for that? Because technically there is nothing about that in the marking rubric, and they also state that any sort of markings on the soap will not be considered in the final marking.



were you that girl who fainted/almost fainted (I wrote the DAT at UofT)??


and no, because if they dock marks for that then they should dock marks for any smudges left behind by the marker used to mark the soap, which they won't

I wouldn't worry about it

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