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10 year rule


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i've never heard of the "10 year rule" but it depends how long ago you finished the prereqs, and what you have done since. e.g. if you have been working on a phd in biochemistry or something, you should be ok for the prereqs. if not, most schools would probably ask you to take some of the prereqs again, because 10 years ago seems much too long if you haven't done science since then. i believe it varies from school to school, so the best thing to do is to email schools to see their individual preferences (this is important in general for international students and people with non-trad backgrounds...eg) before i started working on my AMCAS application in the summer, i contacted admissions offices in the spring for specific program information about prereqs, funding, etc.).


just curious...i know there are lots of possibilities...why did it take 10 years to finish a bachelor's degree?

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