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How useful is a car in med school...

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...if you live within a reasonable distance from the school? In first and second year? ...in third and fourth? Not neccesary, helpful, very helpful? Thanks. Just trying to decide if I should sell my car or not after this year if I get in. I'll hopefully live near campus if I'm lucky.

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Yeah it really depends on where you go to school. In Ottawa, for instance, I think a car is even more usefull if you live close to school, because then you're not on major bus routes to do groceries or anything else... (Plus, it might not cost you too much to park it there, whereas downtown it can get pretty expensive). If you live near major bus routes & take the shuttle to school, it's probably not that necessary.


It also always depends on who you are. If you're the kind of person who hates to take the bus or rely on others for a ride, you might really enjoy your car. On the other hand, it can be pretty expensive, and there's usually an abundance of students with cars who'll be going wherever you want to go & can offer you a ride.


This is for the pre-clerkship years (1&2). I think in 3rd yr, most people end up getting a car, for the reasons stated above. Even then though, there are a few exceptions.

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At Queen’s I’d say one of the selling points of the school is fact that a car is so unnecessary in the first 2 years. Parking is further than the school for most people, as most of us live less than 10 minutes from the school, the two main hospitals, and groceries. Really, aside from out of town electives, there isn’t a need for a car here.

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