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on HOLD applications?


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Dear fellow Canadians,



I just received notice from SUNY upstate that my application has been placed on "HOLD". Is this a nice way of saying your rejected but we'll be nice about it?


Anyways, any advice would be greatly appreciate it. Thanks again, good luck everyone.





It means that they aren't ready to make a decision on your file at this time. It doesn't mean a rejection. People do make it off the hold list.

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i am on hold too there..and judging from SDN, a lot of other ppl are too...it seems that it is a school that puts a lot of ppl on hold...


hope you get off the hold with an invite,


happy holidays...:)


Thanks madz and acromium for the reply, I appreciate it. Happy holidays to you too, I hope your application goes well. Good luck. :)

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Thanks madz and acromium for the reply, I appreciate it. Happy holidays to you too, I hope your application goes well. Good luck. :)


Hang in there guys! You can make it off the hold list just like how people make it off a waitlist so dont lose hope! Good luck :)


If you have any questions about SUNY upstate let me know and I'll try my best to answer them.

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