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Need some advice

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Hello I have been reading these forums for awhile and thought I would post. I am currently in my second year of Masters program and am interested in applying to Dal. I always had an interest in Medicine but never felt confident enough that I could be competitive. But I have been thinking lately how much I wish to be a doctor and I'll never know without applying. I did my undergrad at Dal. My first two years were bad but 3rd and 4th went well (3.85) and 3.7. I then did an extra year (3.7). I have a 3.5 in my masters program and hopefully published research by the end of the year. My ec's include hospital volunteering (Jan 03- June 05) and (Jan 05-June 05) and then Oct 07 - present. I have been tutoring kids since last year and play intramural hockey this year and last. Other than that I don't have much else for EC's. Would I have a chance at Dalhousie? Looking for honest opinions

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You could probably be quite competitive if you are considered a Maritimer. Are you doing your master's at Dalhousie. If so, I would definitely apply.

But if you are not considered a Maritimer, then you will have a smaller chance... but your grades are not bad, you may meet the 3.7 GPA cut-off (I think they use your master's grades as your final year... they did for me, but I was in a course-based master's).


You said you do not have much ECs besides those listed in your post - did you work through undergrad? That's a type of EC.


Like you said, you'll never know without applying, so I say go for it. I'd also apply at Queen's, since they give you a second look if you do not meet the undergrad GPA cutoff.

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Thanks for the reply...unfortunately I did not work during undergrad:(

I just have another question about GPA calculations....My GPA is like this:


1st year: 2.7

2nd year: 2.5

3rd year: 3.85

4th year: 3.7

Special Non-degree year: 3.7

Master's GPA (7 courses): 3.5


How would Dal calculate my GPA?

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