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Applying to the States, help needed

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I will be finishing my masters around the end of this summer at the latest. And so I will be applying to both the States and Canada this fall. I must say that I've just about had it up to here with my undergrad engineering science electives not working out. :mad: So I am listing here the credits I have on my hand, and I would like to know what courses I'm still missing before I can apply to the States:


PHYS 115 Mechanics 0.50/0.50 90

CHE 102 Chemistry for Engineers 0.50/0.50 83

PHYS 125 Physics for Engineers 0.50/0.50 89



BIOL 110 Introductory Zoology 0.50/0.50 88

BIOL 130 Introductory Cell Biology 0.50/0.50 95

BIOL 130L Cell Biology Laboratory 0.25/0.25 95

BIOL 140 Fundamentals of Microbiology 0.50/0.50 95

BIOL 273 Principles of Human Physiology 1 0.50/0.50 86


All of the above courses are taken at the University of Waterloo. Another nagging problem is that all the engineering science courses at Waterloo have no lab component. So I'm wondering if I need some labs to go along with my physics and chemistry classes.


For some reason my parents adamantly refuse to believe anything people say on premed101. I feel deeply offended by my parents' refusal to trust premed101. And I have tried to convince them on many occasions to no avail. Therefore, I want to know if there any guidance counsellor, etc, who speaks Mandarin and can provide authoritative sources of information on the requirements of applying to U.S. med schools that we can go see together so that the issues can be settled once and for all.


Thanks a million!



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Dude, grow up, you're finishing up a master's and your parents still tie your shoelaces?




You don't have the pre-reqs for the US from this list, you need a year of general chemistry, organic chemistry, and English. But what do I know, I'm not an admissions counselor fluent in Mandarin.:rolleyes:

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From my general understanding about US medical schools, they mostly require:


1 Full Year General Chem w/ Lab Component

1 Full Year General Biology w/ Lab Component

1 Full Year General English w/ Lab Component

1 Full Year Organic Chem w/ Lab Component


And sometimes they require Physics I/II depending on the school you apply to.


You really need to look into the schools you want to apply to rather than just ask.


Anyways, I didn't help much... because I'm cooking food!



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Dude, grow up, you're finishing up a master's and your parents still tie your shoelaces?



ahahahaha sit down and have some respect for other cultures :D:P

my family has the same problem, but i'd never take them to see a counselor about MY issues..heck, one of them even calls my school BCU! :D (meaning UBC)

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Go buy the MSAR and do a little something called "research".


It's apparent from your post you know next to nothing about applying to the US. No one is going to do the leg work for you and look up the requirements of each school since prereq courses/LOR requirements vary greatly depending on the school.


Send emails/ make phone calls to AMCAS and individual admissions for clarification when needed. It's an involved and time consuming process and if you're unwilling to do that, don't apply because you'll be throwing several thousand US down the drain in primary/secondary fees.

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Thanks all for replying.


To Avenir: thanks for standing up for me. Yes it is a cultural issue. But I think more significant is that I feel that my parents have the high moral ground since they are the ones who brought me over from China to Canada, so they are my savior, without them I would be a nobody in China struggling to survive, let alone applying to fine med schools here and in the States. So I have the guilt complex, which is a distinctly western thing, and I let my parents boss around my life. I realize that this is


(to be continued...)

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Hey mcater,


Premed101 and studentdoctor.net are really awesome but sometimes you could get fed with misinformation. As Tan and Kenneth said, always go to the original source (ex. US Med school websites or by calling up the admissions office) to be sure.


The American 2009 application is starting in about 5-6 months I think, I recommend you to start researching immediately and get a good grasp of the process. I found this pdf awhile ago; you might find it useful: http://share.studentdoctor.net/downloads/medshort.pdf


Good luck

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All of the above courses are taken at the University of Waterloo. Another nagging problem is that all the engineering science courses at Waterloo have no lab component. So I'm wondering if I need some labs to go along with my physics and chemistry classes.


I don't know anything about apply to the US, as I never looked into it (overall GPA too low). However, if you discover that the issue is just not having the lab components of some of your courses, you can take just the lab courses of the "non-engineer" versions of these courses. For example, you can ask the prof in charge of PHYS 111L for permission to take this course without having taken PHYS 111, since you took the engineering physics instead.


Best wishes to you!


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