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med school tier


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SUNY Syracuse is not a bad school. It's got gpa and MCAT averages that are around the matriculant mean in the US.


IMO, once you get out of the top 50, there will be schools that provide quality education, but just don't have the reputation to rival the private schools. It gets muddy in the middle. You can generally tell which school is top by seeing their MCAT class avg's.


Ro-Franklin is considered a low-tier "safety school", but as most people will tell you, this term doesn't really mean much because any med school is better than no med school.

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Mount Sinai is PRIVATE. It's a split b/w low-top tier and high mid tier but whatever, thats subjective and its a very good school any way you slice it.


SUNY's are PUBLIC, state funded. Nothing outrageous either way, good or bad.


In terms of school median MCAT and GPA (reported from MSAR)... MntSinai is ~35/3.75, SUNYs ~32/3.7.




sorry i just keep researching about schools and have qns as i come along...what about mt.sinai...i understand they take canadian students but r they middle tier? same as SUNY?
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tier 1 would be the top 10-15 schools, right? i agree, top 40-50 schools are all good schools to go to, and so much of the decision depends on personal preference. rankings are not everything.


CAVEAT: if you were interested in academic medicine and pursue a career in academia, it really helps to be from a top 10-15 school. and if you want to be surgeon general or something, you might want to try to go to one of the top 5 schools.

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From what I have heard, where you went to school is not as important when picking a residency as it is when trying to get into med school.


I know of people who went to rock-bottom-tier med schools (Meharry, West Virginia U) who matched at Hopkins. One of these guys is becoming a professor.


These people have advised me that much more important than school rep is making key contacts, doing well in the clinic, good grades in 3rd year and 4th and getting exposure to the different fields so you can really stand by your decision.


I'm not the ultimate authority so feel free to disagree.

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tier 1 would be the top 10-15 schools, right? i agree, top 40-50 schools are all good schools to go to, and so much of the decision depends on personal preference. rankings are not everything.


CAVEAT: if you were interested in academic medicine and pursue a career in academia, it really helps to be from a top 10-15 school. and if you want to be surgeon general or something, you might want to try to go to one of the top 5 schools.


Nah, Case is only top 20 and produced a surgeon general :P


I honestly think once you're hitting top40 or top30 in the US, it's gotta come down to fit and where you see yourself being happy and successful. Match lists and school average Step scores can only tell you so much. Oh, let's not forget one of the most important variables: show me the money $$$$

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