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Ireland 2004

Guest flames2oo4

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Guest flames2oo4

Hey guys, I know the letters are starting to come back from Ireland, so I thought I'd start a new topic to chat with anyone else planning on going over. Also, if anyone has questions I MIGHT have something useful to add (as rare as that is...). I know I've gotten a lot of useful info from this site, so if anyone wants to ask...


I got into RCSI for this fall. I interviewed in San Francisco a couple of weeks ago, and I found out today. I'm pretty sure I'll accept, unless Calgary works out and my family convinces me to stay.


I also applied to UCD and UCC, though I haven't head back yet. Anyways, if anyone else wants to chat about RCSI, or anythings else Ireland related for this fall, feel free to post here.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Unknown


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Guest GraduateStud

Knifeparty your absolutely right about reading the posts with a grain of a salt and understanding that each individual's experience will be unique. Thank you for all your help to date.


Baby Dragon, yeah how about that just a few days after your encouraging words I get an interview ;) I was also told that the interviews would be in June, and someone previously on this post mentioned the same thing, they were told interviews were in June and then had their's in Feb. Thank you soooo much for relating your experience with the interview it is tremendously helpful. I was indeed thinking of checking out hotels near the Sheraton, because it is well over my budget, I'm coming from the west coast so the plane ticket is already quite expensive. Thats good advice about walking over and checking the Sheraton out before my interview. I'll let you know how it goes. :D

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Hi Graduatestud,


I just had to send you a congratulations. I could feel the excitement in your E-mail. Personally, the whole application process in Canada seems sort of disjointed with each school having their or 'criteria'. It can be hard to spend so much time filling in applications, and to receive rejections. However, things are up from here. RCSI is a great school, and is well established. It is located in the Dublin city centre where where is so much activity - not to forget all the great pubs. :P


I am sorry I don't have any advice specifically for RCSI. Just be yourself. I too (as everyone else has) would suggest a suit, or a nice blazer/dress pant combination. While I haven't seen the RCSI application I assume there is an autobiographical section. If there is, make sure you know it well. I have been in some interviews where they have many questions from it.


Best of luck!



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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest GraduateStud

Hi Everyone,


I know most of you have already received notices but I thought I would let everyone know that I got into UCC, and didn't get in at UCD.


Also, I just came back from my interview with RCSI in NY. It was awesome. The whole experience was almost surreal. I met with Mr Nealon, and we chatted a bit. Anyways I have no idea what kind of impression I made. They told me I shoud expect to hear in 2 weeks.


Right now I don't know what to do. If there is someone out there who has a comment or two on RCSI versus UCC I would love to hear from you. RCSI is a lot more expensive, but I have this impression that a degree from there might be more beneficial when trying to secure a residency in US. Thats just my impression, and I could be completely wrong. Just wanted to know what everyone else's opinions and impressions are regarding these two Irish Schools. Also, looking back at this post I haven't heard of anyone hearing from UCC for this fall.

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Guest Baby Dragon

Congrats GraduateStud on your acceptance to UCC!! That's awesome! Also, glad to hear your interview with RCSI went well. Mr. Nealon is incredibly nice, isn't he? I'm sure you were great. Who did the interviews?


I may have my facts a little crossed, but as far as I know, UCC, UCD, TCD, and RCSI are all under the NUI (that's a lot of acronyms...), which is the National University of Ireland. So, technically, graduates from all four of these universities have the same degree. To be honest, I have no idea if hospitals in the states rank these four schools in terms of picking residents, though I would guess that they consider all four pretty equal, and that your USMLE scores matter more than which school in Ireland you attended.


As for difference between RCSI and UCC... Here are some thoughts


UCC - cheaper (by a lot!), Cork is a major city so it's not like you'll be in the middle of nowhere, with the bonus of a lower cost of living. It's a fairly big university with many different faculties, so the campus is more diverse in terms of faculties and student services.


RCSI - very expensive and Dublin is more expensive to live in. Only has health related programs (physio, pharm, nursing, med, etc) and a much smaller campus (ie two buildings) and much smaller student base - which is composed mainly of middle eastern and malaysian students. From working there, I got the feeling that students are very catered to at RCSI, considering the high fees, they really try to help you as much as they can.


I have heard that some consider RCSI to have the highest quality of education out of the four schools, but the difference is really marginal. I have a friend who is finishing up his 1st year at UCC and he's really enjoyed it and hasn't complained about much at all. He chose UCC because of the cost difference in tuition and living compared to being at a school in Dublin.


In my (humble) opinion, the two biggest factors are cost and school environment. If you can afford RCSI, then it might come down to which type of environment you'll feel more comfortable in - a smaller, more intimate school with less facilites but greater ethnic diversity, or a bigger, less ethnically diverse school, but that has student services and a campus more to what we're used to in Canada.


Hope that helps!

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Guest GraduateStud

BabyDragon I can't thank you enough for all the advice and info you have provided in response to my queries. They have been tremendously helpful as has your most recent post regarding RCSI versus UCC. I am indeed concerned about the high tuition and living cost associated with RCSI and Dublin. I have to say I am leaning towards accepting the offer by UCC. It helps to know that others at UCC have not been dissappointed by their choice. Besides I don't know if I want to take the gamble of declining the offer only to learn in two weeks that I didn't make it at RCSI either.


Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion.:)

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Guest surreptitiousgourmand

Baby Dragon,


Your facts may, in fact, be crossed, but not by much. TCD is a college of the University of Dublin (actually, it remains the only college of UofD), which is not part of NUI. RCSI is also a separate institution. However, I am told that NUI is the only entity in Ireland that is permitted to grant medical degrees. Therefore, RCSI and TCD graduates will receive medical degrees from NUI. (Someone please correct me if I am wrong).





Baby Dragon wrote:


I may have my facts a little crossed, but as far as I know, UCC, UCD, TCD, and RCSI are all under the NUI (that's a lot of acronyms...), which is the National University of Ireland. So, technically, graduates from all four of these universities have the same degree.

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Guest Baby Dragon



Thanks for clearing that up! I knew it was something about everyone getting an NUI degree (I should have paid more attention when I was working there...)

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Guest GraduateStud

Hi Everyone,


I have a question about getting a loan from CanHELP, versus a line of credit from a Canadian Bank. As I understand it right now the disadvantage of a line of credit is that you have to make monthly payments. But other than that does anyone have advice on one being better than the other, interms of lending terms, interest etc...


Any advice/info is much appreciated

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  • 2 months later...
Guest phyboy

Just to clear up the degree thing.


There are two universities in Ireland. The University of Dublin and the National University of Ireland (NUI).


Trinity College is the sole constituent college of Dublin University, so medical graduates of Trinity are awarded BA, MB, BCh, BAO (University of Dublin).


UCD, UCC, UCG are constituent universities of the NUI and medical graduates of these institutions are awarded MB, BCh, BAO (NUI).


RCSI isn't a university but a "recognised college" of the NUI and graduates are awarded LRCP&SI, MB, BCh, BAO (NUI). The LRCP&SI are the Licentiates of the Royal College of Physians of Ireland and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. They are just the historical qualifications in medicine and surgery awarded by RCSI before it became a consituent college of the NUI in 1978.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest AliatUofT

Hi everyone


i am thinking of applying to Ireland and the UK this fall for fall of 2005.

i have applied to canadian schools twice and to the US once. i am gonna do canada and some schools in the US again but i would also like to try ireland and the UK.

In 2 rounds of applications i got one interview at Ottawa which i got waitlisted (bad waitlist,) and also on in Mount Sinai SM in NY for the MD/PhD program, which i didnt get in either.

now i am just wondering you guys seem to be a lot more knowledgable about academic stats for the irish schools

so i want to know whether or not i have a good chance or not. i know these schools are just as competitive as here but i wanna know how i compare with others who have already gotten in.

i have BSc UofT, GPA overall 3.25 but last 3 years ~3.7

i will have my MSc in October, GPA ~4.0, with lots of publications.

i have quiet a bit of research experience, i spent most of my undergrad summer doing summer research

i have written the MCATs twice and i am writing again this summer (stinking verbal reasoning).

V-5, P-10, B-10, R

V-7, P-10, B-11, Q


SO any feedback will be much appreciated




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Guest Mimimowmow

Hmm..I don't know the Irish's MCAT cutoff so I can't really comment on that part, but Trinity College, one of the Irish School doesn't require MCAT. Based on your GPA, I think you shouldn't have problem for it. (at least your Graduate GPA is higher than mine and I still got in as well..^_^) Good Luck!

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Guest gonzo23

Hi Ali,


I too applied to Ireland (Trinity and UCD) this past year. I was accepted at Trinity. Here are my stats: 3.84 GPA (just undergrad) and I had a 29Q on the MCAT (with a 7 in VR the second time and a 6 in VR the first time :S).


I hear trinity really likes research and pay good attention to your essay (why exactly YOU want to go to Ireland...), and your CV. I think being able to prove that Ireland is the best place for you to head is a big strength since I'm sure many people apply as a backup and that might become transparent in the application.


If you have any questions feel free to PM me.

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Guest GraduateStud

Hey Ali,


I also had a Masters when I applied to Ireland. In fact I think my research experience and publications certainly helped me get accepted at University College Cork.


My MCAT results were 11V, 10B, 9P and S in writing. My undergrad GPA was 75% and my graduate GPA was 86%. I think you have a good chance in Ireland. If you have other questions don't hesitate to post them. Good Luck;)

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Guest knifeparty43

I'm come to conclude that gpa and mcat really don't have much relevance once you've achieved a certain threshold. The threshold isn't very high (let's say, 2.9 gpa, 27O mcat to be reasonalbe). But, I think that the major determinant if the essay and cv.... (and the interview for rcsi).


If you look at applicant/acceptee profiles on this site and on SDN, you will see that people who got accepted have a wide range of academic performances....


in conclusion: don't get too caught up with the numbers, focus on HOW TO PRESENT YOURSELF through the essay, your cv and your interview. Applying to an irish school isn't like applying to a canadian or u.s. school... it involves a totally different approach that focuses on your OVERALL accomplishments and your dedication to STUDYING IN IRELAND. you won't get an acceptance if you treat it like a "backup" option.

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  • 5 months later...

hi. wow you found out as early as beginning of march??? thats pretty sweet. maybe i'll emali them in early march to find anything out :) . did you end up going there? i definitely think its worth going. im pretty much willing to do anything to become a doctor ;)



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  • 4 months later...
Guest Unknown


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